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Food Plot Success By Design Review, by Mark Kenyon
"In short, this is one of the absolute best books on food plots Ive read yet, and if you already do or plan to use food plots on your hunting properties this is an absolute must-read."

Mathews Archery Contribution: Precision Habitat Improvements
" A pattern that I have witness over many habitats on both private and public lands is that regardless of the direction, a mature buck will often predictably choose his daytime bedding habitat behind and away from traditional doe bedding areas..."

Food Plot Success By Design
"Food Plot Success By Design" is Here Now! Thank you for all of your recent purchases, 100s have been shipped out the door in just the first few weeks.

Rich's WI and MI Micro Parcel Success
"I hired Jeff Sturgis to help design my families 20 acre hunting property because we were not seeing deer during hunting season.

2014 WI Whitetail Gun Season Success
This is more of a pictorial blog...but I wanted to share some of the pictures of the success that my son and I had during the WI gun season. Sitting "side by side" we were able to take a couple of great bucks together and best of all we created many memories to last a lifetime!

Scott's First Year WI Deer Corridor Giant
"I would like to thank Jeff Sturgis for helping me harvest my best buck to date. After coming to my property in March, Jeff laid out a plan for me by constructing travel corridors by hinge cutting...

Steve's 40 Acre Mature Buck MI Success
I hired Jeff to design my property in December 2010. Jeff helped me with stand locations, stand access, bedding areas, food plots and travel corridors.

Hill Country Whitetail Solutions
The 2005 November morning was picture perfect but it still didn't share any hints of the upcoming opportunity for a hunt of a lifetime. An icy Northwest breeze was driving the coolest temperatures since late October, while stars dotted the sky on the peaceful approach across the pasture.

Mature Bucks Easy Hunting?
Mature bucks easy hunting? A 3-year old 8 point buck in WI is a Dime a Dozen. He is often so typical that you dont even notice him. In fact, the only reason you may notice him is that he is only an 8-point not a 10, 12, or some start to a non-typical future freak.

UP of MI Public Land Opening Weekend Hunt
Friday, November 15th I couldn't wait to get back to the area I wrote about in the intro of my book, "Whitetail Success By Design". Making the early morning trek 40 minutes to the blind location through the swamps and brush..

My 2013 WI Archery Buck
What a season!! I loved this season and completely enjoyed it as much as any of the best!

Predatory Access-Chapter 19 Of My Book, "Whitetail Success By Design"
Huge rubs, large scrapes, and Giant deer tracks filled the 5-acre woodlot along with zero deer. Night after night, hunts that should have "been," simply weren't.