Bowhunting Tactics

Mathews Archery Contribution: Precision Habitat Improvements

" A pattern that I have witness over many habitats on both private and public lands is that regardless of the direction, a mature buck will often predictably choose his daytime bedding habitat behind and away from traditional doe bedding areas. A very precise alignment of habitat often could be described as something like this: 1. Food plot of a 1/2 acre in size or more 2. Thick, doe family group bedding within 50 yards of the edge of the plot 3. High quality buck bedding opportunity 100-150 yards behind the doe bedding area, located on a small knoll, bench, or other natural vantage point surrounded by thick security cover."

Follow along as I discuss how to create precision habitat improvements for bowhunters, my first in a series of bowhunting and habitat web-articles for Mathews Archery!
Click here to read the rest!


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