"I hired Jeff to design my property in December 2010. Jeff helped me with stand locations, stand access, bedding areas, food plots and travel corridors. The 40 acre property redesign took several years to fully implement Jeff's suggestions. All the hard work paid off yesterday with my biggest buck to date.
It was shot on the TC (travel corridor) on the West side of the South food plot following a doe. You told me that at some point I need to move a ladder stand further West of the food plot for better stand access. I placed a new stand 60 yards West over the Summer. Shot it at 25 yards quartering away in the new stand on the TC where you suggested! Couldn't plan a better script! Thanks again."
152 Gross
Southern MI
40 Acre Mature Buck Success
Steve's November 2013 success story came at a complete surprise. Why? Because many of my clients I do not hear any feedback from after my visit, and Steve was one of those individuals. It was GREAT to hear from him, and about his outstanding 40 acre mature buck success. Also there was a consistent theme....when the work is completed, the success follows. I always enjoy designing plans for my clients, but when I leave there is a lot of work to accomplish. When landowners work hard within a dedicated plan that pulls together appopriately placed habitat improvements, clients tend to send pictures like the one above; which is an awesome part of my career! Thank you Steve. I know it was 3 years later, but even if it takes that long again...I can't wait to hear about the next story!