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    early season bowhunting

    5 Tips for an Early Season Bowhunting Buck

    Would you like to connect on an early season monster buck with a bow? Covering your corners by trail cam, sound proofing your access, gear and stand locations, scent proofing your stand locations and stand access, AND learning weather pattern forecasting, will each help you hone in on an early season buck.

    number of trail cams

    How Many Trail Cams Should You Have

    While there is no set number of trail cams that you should have per acre, there are some very important strategies that can help guide you to your answer, including: How defined are the daily deer movements on your land? The more defined that your deer habitat and deer movements are, the fewer cameras that you need per acre.

    2018 whitetail rut benefit

    Hunting the 2018 Rut - Benefit Event

    Would you like to learn how to plan for and hunt the 2018 Whitetail Rut, while raising money for a great cause? Then make sure to visit Lacrosse Archery on 10/17 from 7-9pm! Over $3000 in door prizes will be given away and 100% of all proceeds will be donated to Camp Kicking Bear.

    early season whitetail

    #1 Early Season Whitetail Opportunity

    What is the most important aspect of tommorow's highly anticipated, nearly perfect whitetail weather forecast? It is now the PERFECT day to hit the woods and here are the reasons why!

    archery sit alert

    Important September 21st Archery Sit Alert!

    When daytime highs drop from 89 degrees into the high 60s, deer will be on their feet and you should be in a treestand! This week's weather forecast is bringing an outstanding time for you to be in the deer woods and these are the same conditions that you should be looking for, to guide you to success all season long.

    annual food plots

    The Extreme Power of Annual Food Plots

    While one food plot option sounds good on paper, the other option is typically the only choice in the North 1/2 of the country, for annually building a quality herd and hunt. When you learn how to tap into the power of annual food plot plantings, you will perennially create the potential of high powered herd and hunting results.

    whitetail waterhole strategy

    Whitetail Waterhole Strategy and Maintenance

    Small Waterhole, leaves, sticks and a lack of critter escape opportunity can each diminish or destroy all of your hard work for establishing a quality whitetail waterhole. Under the right circumstances a waterhole for deer greatly improved your ability to define daily deer movements on your land. Here are some strategies...

    2018 food plot

    2018 Best Food Plot Blend

    With a couple of new plots and a variety of food plot soil and weed conditions, I had to rely completely on my old faithful of food plot blends: 25 pounds per acre of late planted forage soybeans, 100 pounds per acre of forage peas, 25 pounds per acre of oats, 3 pounds per acre of tillage radish on one half, and then a 6 pounds

    2018 whitetail rut forecast

    2018 Whitetail Rut Forecast and Hunting Guide

    The 2018 Whitetail Rut Forecast for your area has been set in stone for many years before this current prediction. However, will the moon play a role in this year's annual whitetail rut timing by choosing new dates for you to be in the woods? Make sure to use this precision rut and hunting guide forecast to predict exactly...

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    Cadillac MI Area August 25th Habitat Day

    This Saturday, August 25th I will take part in a habitat day for the Cadillac Branch of the QDMA. The event should last from 9 until 5 and after lunch I will deliver a seminar, followed by a property tour. This is not only for serious whitetail habitat managers and landowners, but for serious hunters as well!

    summer trail cam

    Random Summer Trail Cam Buck Hunting Strategies

    Great Fall Hunting Parcels often have one thing in common: Very few Summer trail cam mature buck pictures. However, even with very little Summer trail cam Intel on a particular buck that you are after, you can still develop a highly effective strategy to target him in the Fall.

    deer to food plots

    Attracting Deer To Food Plots During Shooting Hours

    There are 4 important steps to attracting deer to your food plots during the shooting hours, and not during the night. Non invasive hunting access, hunting pressure, daytime browse, consistent food plot forage attraction and secure habitat to and from your food plots for the local deer herd, are all necessary to make sure...