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Do You Need To Increase Deer Numbers?
Do you need to increase deer numbers on the land you hunt? Then this article may be for you.

Whitetails and Topography-The Unfair Advantage
When it comes to determining your ultimate level of potential deer management success, whitetails and topography are the perfect match, and it isn't even close!

Shooting Hours Deer Movement Planting Tip
Forage diversity is critical when it comes to creating shooting hours deer movement travel patterns, on your land. Are you surrounded by alfalfa?

Small Parcel Deer Sanctuary Tactics
"I feel like Im in year two of land management program and the results so far has been amazing. Before you came out I would see maybe one doe in a week of hunting..."

Should You Cut Timber for Deer?
Should you even cut timber for deer, and if so, how much? The chainsaw can be your friend, when it often comes to deciding exactly if and when, you should complete timber cuttings on the land that you hunt and manage.

Are You Growing Too Many Does?
Too many does, not enough does or maybe just right? The number of antlerless deer that you have on your land has as much to do with your type of habitat, as it does the hunting efforts of you, or your neighbors.

Soybeans for Deer? Maybe, Maybe Not
Have any of you ever planted soybeans for deer? If so, your collective experiences of success and failure, will have been extremely varied.

Should You Use a Trail Cam?
Should you use a trail cam? Well, I guess that depends if you want a more intimate look into mature buck behavior patterns, and to be able to predict which stand locations you should, or should not, be hunting.

Top Deer Management Tip
So what really is the top deer management tip that you can apply to your land? Each year, in particular during the offseason, social media and hunting forums are full of various deer habitat improvement tips, including: Hinge cuts, waterholes, food plots, travel corridors and mock scrapes; just to name a few.

Predicting Mature Buck Tendencies
The season has unfortunately passed in most locations across the country, but this is an oustanding time to reflect upon and recognize, the mature buck tendencies that you experienced during this past season.

Deer Bedding Location Myth
What truly is a great deer bedding location? In my experience you can find prime bedding opportunity in a variety of habitats, when you first begin your journey, by letting go of a couple of deer bedding myths.

Shed Hunting Tip: No shed No problem
Did you come here for a valuable shed hunting tip? That tip will come in a bit. However, in the meantime, who doesn't like finding an outstanding shed antler?