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Combination Treestands - Whitetails By Design TV Ep - 01
In the first episode of our weekly web show series, Whitetails By Design TV, we discuss one of my favorite bowhunting tactics. I have found that if an area is a good location to hang one treestand, it is often a great area to combine multiple tree stands.

Treestand Shooting Tips For Mature Bucks
When the moment of bowhunting truth arrives, are you all set and ready to go in your treestand? Since the mid 80s, the treestand shooting tips I have picked up along the way have been experienced through a little heartache and a lot of consistenly positive reinforcement.

Hunting Season Food Plot Planting
Many hunters begin their annual food plot dreams with visions of fields of green on their land and monster bucks on their wall. However, many hunting season food plot plantings are destined for hunting season failure before the seeds begin to germinate.

#1 Bowhunting Setup Tip For This Season
I’ve got an important bowhunting setup tip for you that I have come to rely on for my last 3 new bows. But first, have you had that feeling this year?

Best Month To Plant A Food Plot?
The best month to plant a food plot is when you can catch some rain, right? If only it was that simple!

Whitetail Kill Plots For Monster Bucks
Whitetail kill plots not only come in all shapes and sizes, but in many different levels of potential mature buck success. Whether they are called kill plots, harvest plots or hunting plots, it sure looks easy on TV!

Treestand Exit Strategies
Like me, you may have tried a lot of treestand exit strategies in the past. From barking like a dog to howling like a coyote to even throwing my practice arrow into the field, I have tried many ways to keep deer from knowing that I had been lurking within harms way.

Predicting Mature Buck Travel
Mature bucks are highly predictable. In fact, in my experience the older they grow, the more predictable they become.

2016 Rut Forecast Weekend Timing
Let’s face it, not everyone has the ability to hunt whenever the conditions are perfect, whenever they want to or whenever they feel like it. The majority of hunters have to rely on hunting weekends to enjoy their passion of hunting whitetails, even if those weekends fall during the annual rut.

Late Summer Buck Patterns
By early September the Summer buck patterns your are currently observing will be, “Going, Going, GONE!”. Several years ago I coined the phrase of the The Annual Whitetail Shift.

Top 10 Deer Hunting Myths
It didn’t take too long to throw this list together and although some may appear blatantly obvious, others may require additional research for you to confirm. Whether these top 10 deer hunting myths were arrived at through my 30 years of deer hunting experience or through relevant quality research from various sources...

Naming Big Bucks Strategy
When it comes to a big old giant buck, what’s in a name? Dating back to the 80s I have experiened the process of naming big bucks for the likes of Big Moe, Kickstand and now Gary.