Combining Treestands for Success
In the first episode of our web show series, Whitetails By Design TV, we discuss one of my favorite bowhunting tactics. I have found that if an area is a good location to hang one treestand, it is often a great area to combine multiple treestands. Combining tree stands not only gives you options for hunting a location with different wind directions, but it can also offer alternatives for entering and exiting your sets in morning or evening scenarios.

Try Combining Your Stands This Fall
When choosing your stand locations for the upcoming season, it may be in your best interest to combine multiple sets in one location. By setting complimentary stands that allow hunter access in any wind, morning or evenings, you will stack the odds in your favor for harvesting a mature buck. Hunting only when the conditions are right, in a combination of tree stands can allow you to chip away at a core buck, and ultimately harvest him the long run. This is a strategy I have utilized for many years, I have had a lot success in doing so. I encourage you to give Combination Treestand Locations a try this season