Habitat and Herd Improvement

Best And Worst Screening For Deer Hunting
Screening your access for deer hunting is critical to your success, but what is your best option?

Whitetail Waterhole Strategy and Maintenance
Small Waterhole, leaves, sticks and a lack of critter escape opportunity can each diminish or destroy all of your hard work for establishing a quality whitetail waterhole. Under the right circumstances a waterhole for deer greatly improved your ability to define daily deer movements on your land. Here are some strategies...

Cadillac MI Area August 25th Habitat Day
This Saturday, August 25th I will take part in a habitat day for the Cadillac Branch of the QDMA. The event should last from 9 until 5 and after lunch I will deliver a seminar, followed by a property tour. This is not only for serious whitetail habitat managers and landowners, but for serious hunters as well!

Deer Beds That Fit Your Land
What may be a great buck bedding area in one region may be a failure in another. The success of the bedding areas that you create will not hinge on the type of cut you make, but on the amount of space that you leave for deer to travel through, relative to what the local deer have become accustomed to.

When To Stay OFF Your Deer Parcel
"When should I stay off of my deer parcel", may be the #1 question that I receive from clients, readers and viewers from around the country. The answer may surprise you.

Important Whitetail Habitat Diversity Tactics For Hunting
Each whitetail habitat improvement has a shelf life for the amount of time it positively contributes to the habitat and hunting diversity that is needed on your land. From rowed conifers with an effective life of 2 months, to an effective score of 365 days for diversified switchgrass, there is a huge variety of habitat tactics.

How To Increase Daylight Deer Movements For Hunting
Experiencing shrinking daylight deer numbers during the hunting season, doesn't have to happen. The more you define daily deer movements from bedding to feeding, the more you can define your deer hunt. Defined hunting patterns allow you to increase morning and evening stand locations while decreasing nocturnal deer movements.

How To Screen Deer Access
True, there are many ways to skin the proverbial cat and the number of strategies for screening deer habitat is no exception. Focusing on short, mid and long term screening solutions can not only help you access, hunt and build a great deer herd starting right now, but for decades to come!

Attracting Deer Herds Day and Night
If you put a lot of effort into the attraction of the local deer herd on your land, you undoubtedly are attracting deer. Food plots, timber cuttings, waterholes and native grasses are just some of the ways to potentially attract and hold deer on your land. However, like most things in life, timing is everything!

Critical Whitetail Browse Strategy
Creating deer browse is important but by itself it is highly overrated. Whitetail browse only represents one portion of the daily food categories for deer and if you don't have afternoon and nighttime food sources too, you will severely limit your entire deer potential. A great whitetail browse strategy alone, is not enough.

Switchgrass Deer Screening Strategy
Using a switchgrass deer screening strategy can not only save you time and money when compared to other whitetail screening plantings, but in the long run it may just offer the highest level of consistent success. By using the proper herbicides and either of two no-till planting methods, you can easily find consistent success.

MI Whitetail Consultant Hunting and Habitat Strategy
Ross Fernandez from WHS Turnkey Habitats is more than just another whitetail consultant. From MI to anywhere else a whitetail roams, Ross specializes in turning your whitetail design into reality, including: Hinge cut bedding areas, waterhole creations, food plot management and native grass plantings.