All Weather Whitetails
Forecasting Your Next Hunt of a Lifetime
*As of 11/10/2018, "All Weather Whitetails" is now available for immediate shipment!
Forecast your next buck of a lifetime with the 4th book in the Whitetail Success by Design Series by Jeff Sturgis, All Weather Whitetails. Whether you are hunting in the rain, snow, high winds, high heat or during major temperature drops, the weather forecast can lead you to success and Jeff's new book reveals how! Jeff's detailed deer hunting formula is the foundation for predicting mature buck movement, and you can now have this highly proven calculation at your fingertips. The weather forecast can be used to not only predict when to head to your favorite treestand, but how to balance high quality hunting opportunities with the other priorities in your life, such as family, friends and career.
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Rain, Snow, Wind, Heat or Cold, learn how to use the weather to forecast your next buck of a lifetime!
- Using Weather to Balance Family Friends and Career
- Playing High Percentage Sit Poker in the Deer Woods
- High Value Deerfront Hunting Stats
- Windy Weather Whitetails
- Extreme Rain Deer Hunting Tactics
- Flurries to Blizzards for Mature Bucks
- Overheated Whitetail Weather Solutions
- All Weather Whitetail Hunting Formula
- 12 Phase High Value Daily Treestand Sit Management