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    deer hunting thermals

    Deer Hunting Thermals and Access Tips for Hills

    There is a huge advantage when it comes to hunting and accessing whitetails within major hill systems. Thermals, stand approach, herd quality and buck age structure ALL have higher potential quality levels when there are major elevation changes. Do you have the perfect combination of hills and whitetails?

    hunt the October lull

    How to Hunt the October Lull

    The October Lull can be maddening, right? Well, it doesn't have to be, because it isn't even real. The strategy for hunting the October Lull begins by realizing that there really is no October Lull, unless you over pressure your land. Deer don't suddenly become nocturnal, they just simply leave and find unpressured habitat...

    when to hunt

    When To Hunt Your Best Treestands For Target Bucks

    With close to 40 of my top 50 bucks shot the first time using the stand for the year, you can bet that I practice a lot of patience when it comes to the first sit in my best treestands, for the year. When the sign is available it is time to hunt your best stand but if the conditions aren't right, hunting your best treestand too

    hunt deer in the rain

    How To Hunt Deer In The Rain

    Hunting deer in the rain often has more to do with hunting around the rain than in the rain. How you choose to hunt deer in the rain relies on your ability to time the rain showers, to make sure that you are hitting the small windows of whitetail opportunity.

    scouting tips for public

    Scouting Tips for Public and Private Land Whitetails

    There is a basic core scouting principal that you should apply to either public or private land whitetail hotspots. Whitetails are creatures of edge and it is pretty easy to find potential areas to scout by seeking diversity and habitat changes withing your scouting efforts.

    treestand location tips

    Treestand Location Tips for Bucks

    What I have experienced is that very few treestand locations have what it takes, to score a high sit value all day long. And that makes a lot of sense! While a morning bedding stand location may feature a high value for the morning and mid day hours, it may offer a very low potential for the evening. Also, a great evening stand

    best deer forecast

    Early Bow Season Best Deer Forecast Day Alert

    What does a 20 degree temp drop, a drastically rising barometric pressure, clear skies and a dark evening moon equal? An incredible early season deer forecast! Add that it follows extreme weather factors of thunderstorms and high winds, and it wouldn't matter if this was an early season, peak rut or late season forecast - it's

    check trail cam

    Best Time To Check Trail Cams

    I ask you to let this phrase sink in: Trail cams don't spook whitetails, hunters spook whitetails. Of course you have to be using a well positioned, hidden and low glo trail cam. However, once you have checked off the basics of trail cam setup, when you actually access to check your trail cams can make or break your season.

    early season target buck

    Bowhunting Early Season Target Bucks

    Monster target bucks during the early bow season can be "here today and gone tomorrow". While they can and do often revisit their late Summer haunts during the annual whitetail rut, they may not. In fact they could easily be dead by that point by hunters that are experienced and skilled enough to successfully hunt those bucks,

    bow season opening day

    Best Bow Season Opening Day Strategy

    ​While the gun season opener is a can't miss mature buck morning opportunity - the same can't be said for the bow season opener. Hot weather, warm Summer breezes and lazy deer create the combination for patience, instead of haste. Is it best to head right to the woods on opening day? Or to practice a little patience and apply

    mock scrape scent

    Best Mock Scrape Scent for Bucks

    The best mock scrape scent that you can use to attract bucks as well as does and fawns, may really surprise you! Why? Because every single season you are bombarded with cable, online and magazine ads that tell you otherwise. The best mock scrape scent for any deer let alone for bucks, is hard to argue with, because it has

    food plot sanctuary

    Extreme Food Plot Sanctuary Power

    Even more important than what's growing in your food plot, is if your food plot is considered a daylight food source or nocturnal food source, to the local deer herd. Your food plot should be considered as much a part of your core sanctuary, as your most remotely protected big buck bedding area. Is it?