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Stand Timing for Mature Bucks
Dead bucks don’t lie. When a mature buck dies…does it give you a touch of sadness?

Stretch Your Archery Limits for Bowhunting Success
Every year my family went on a week-long fishing vacation towards the end of the summer in MI’s Upper Peninsula. That was often my most important event of the year!

Public Land Mature Buck Patterns for Success
In 2009, Jake, my 7 year old son went on his trip of a lifetime! We sat one day in the rolling hardwoods of PAs public land rifle-season opener and from start to finish he had that wonderful perma-grin that every parent recognizes.

Deer Bedding Area Tactics
I wrote this article in 2008, but it is still true to this day. To learn more, please take a look at a couple of my most recent bedding area tactic articles as well...

Buck and Doe Bedding Locations...why here, and why there?
Often to understand both doe family group and buck bedding behaviours, you have to understand the deer themselves.

Whitetail Parcel Layout and Design, from a Habitat Designer's Perspective deer season is over, and it's "Habitat Time"!! I feel extremely fortunate to either manage deer habitat or hunt deer year round and as my friends probably remember me saying often, "I'm pretty lucky!" as it relates to being able to do what I do.

Food Plot Patterns for Deer Habitat Designs
With good results or bad, food plot patterns can be created on your land. Back in 2005 I began coining the phrase, “Patterns of Use”

Whitetail Habitat Dead Spots
What are whitetail habitat dead Spots? Why should you recognize them on the lands that you hunt?

Whitetail Habitat Lines of Movement
What are whitetail habitat lines of movement? They are a defined travel corridor between bedding to food, food to food, or bedding to bedding, basically between hotspots of deer activity.

Whitetail Evergreen Power for Small Parcels
Hands down the majority of the best mature buck bedding areas I have known, including individual beds, have involved conifer in some manner...