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Grilled Venison Backstrap Recipe
After taking a doe Thursday night, it was time have some friends over a couple of days later and make some Grilling Boats! There are of course many variations of this recipe...

Deer Hunting An Early Season Feeding Front
There are different types of hunting cold fronts that pass through during the entire Fall, but in just a few short weeks you will have some outstanding opportunities for hunting an early season feeding front.

"Quiet" Doe Management For Early Season Whitetail Success
Doe management is important, but there is certainly a "Time and a Place" to get it done as it relates to hurting or helping your hunting and habitat efforts.

Deer Waterhole Improvements 101
This is the waterhole location that started it all for least the importance of water when it comes to evening feeding patterns and all day rut activity!

Buck Scrapes, "To Pee or Not To Pee"
Why do you use a mock scrape? I believe the 3 major uses of mock scrapes are as a management tool, to assist in the establishment of patterns of usage, and for hunting season attraction.

Is The Land You Hunt, a COLD or WARM Season Whitetail Paradise?
Summer whitetail sightings really get the blood boiling for the upcoming hunting season! Giant velvet monsters together in harmony cruising the hay or bean fields, while the setting sun...

Northwoods Whitetails
John had this to say about his new business, ” Over the years we have tried numerous seeds and feel we have chosen the best to go into our blends. We won’t use cheap seed or junk fillers to increase profits.

Kansas and Iowa Mature Buck Consistency
"I first read about Jeff on the Michigan Sportsman forum. I heard nothing but good things and what interested me about Jeff was that he was willing to educate hunters thru his blogs and posts on these forums.

Deer Beds to Food Sources: Small Parcels, Big Whitetail Rewards
What size do you think a tiny hunting parcel is? It wouldn’t surprise me one bit if some of you answered 500 acres.

Mike's MI Family Memories
"In short, hiring Jeff was by far the best thing we have ever done toward improving our property for deer hunting.

Taking Advantage of a Public Land Deer other hunters.
I’d like to teach you how to take advantage of a public land deer drive! You don’t drive deer? Well, neither do I.

Deer Cam Tips: Buck Pics Tell a Tale
The following game camera (cam) pictures happen to be some of my favorites…but you will need to read on to see all that they had in common.