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The Whitetail Shift of Summer to Fall Habitat
Buck-Filled fields of green dot the landscape of Mid-western habitats, and fuel the dreams of hunting seasons soon to come. But, how realistic are those dreams? In the coming weeks a giant Whitetail Shift will occur in the deer world! Both food, and cover,...

Whitetail Travel Corridor Creations
From Delaware to Nebraska and most deer habitats north, for the first 7 months of 2013 I enjoyed the incredible variety of both deer parcels and my clients that hunt on those parcels!

Establishing Whitetail Lines of Movement
I often teach my clients to use longs lines of food and cover to draw deer out of high quality bedding cover, across stand locations, and into large open food sources where they feel safe.

Are You Creating a Doe Factory?
High quality summer food sources (alfalfa,soybeans,clover) = high doe numbers, especially when combined withadjacent high quality stem count habitat fawning cover.

Northeast WI Heavy Timber Design
I had been planting and hunting food plots for 10 years on my 120 acres with the results being one buck in the 120 class. A friend of mine attended a class on whitetail habit manipulation.

Early Season Whitetail Habitat and Hunting Designs
While in the middle of a 7 day client trip in IN and MI, I have really enjoyed the IN visits! Every parcel is so drastically different, even within the same state, and these parcels were no exception.

Matt's Southern MI Small Cover Success
"I decided to change the way I hunted whitetail deer after years of harvesting 1.5 year old bucks on my property in Macomb County. I did not have a clear direction or plan to get the ball rolling so I began to research those in the know.

WI 2012 Rifle Opener...My 10 Year Old Son Jake's First Buck!!
I am so proud of my son! We had a 1/2 hour walk up into the hollow, and I was pretty wore out, let alone Jake.

Wired To Hunt...Whitetail Tips That You Can Use Right Now!!
I am now also contributing to Wired To Hunt, which can be described as: "The deer hunting blog for the next generation. Focusing on deer hunting news, stories and strategies".

2012 WI Archery Buck
This is the heaviest deer I have ever shot…a 220# bruiser I killed on Saturday morning, the first time hunting a stand after hanging it in late June. He is a mature beauty…

Precision October Cold Front Hunting
Friday October 12th, 2012, offered high winds and approaching rain. Saturday the 13th and then into Sunday, 2" of rain dropped! Between the high winds, rain, and a continual chaos of stress within the woods, this hunting opportunity could not be missed, and there were several great reasons why.

10/12 Lower MI Archery Brute!
I was “preaching” about the early season cold fronts…and I got pretty lucky! I hunted a secondary early October Feeding Front last Thurs/Friday morning.