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Search Results for "seed"
71 results:
Soybeans for Deer? Maybe, Maybe Not
Have any of you ever planted soybeans for deer? If so, your collective experiences of success and failure, will have been extremely varied.
Precision Kill Plot Creation
Have you created any kill plots this year? I have been excited to design my own new lease property in SW WI this year.
Fall Food Plot Rotation Strategy
Are you looking for a great food plot rotation that can not only offer a high quality food source for Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer, but to work as an outstanding soil builder as well?
Late Summer Food Plot Blend For Monsters
Whether your goal is to hold onto a mature monster that you have on your land right now, or to attract him once the big boys start to shift to their Fall habitat in a month or two...
How To Recover From Food Plot Failures
Just prior to the excitement of deer season openers across the country, another annual event rears its ugly head: Food Plot Failure Season. Have you ever experienced it?
2015 Best Food Plot Mix
Do you have a best food plot mix, or combination of food plot mixes? Personally, my favorite mixes are always evolving.
Strategies for Creating a Deer Sanctuary
Creating a deer sanctuary should be easy, right? After all you just set aside "X" number of acres on your hunting land that you never enter, and call it a day. Sounds pretty easy doesn't it?
Best Food Plot Screens
Let's face it, the value of a food plot's level of daytime attraction is directly related to how well that you hide the deer within, from your hunting access. But the choices for hiding feeding deer are many, and often confusing, so which is the best food plot screen for you?
Switchgrass Plantings for Deer Bedding?
Have you ever wanted to easily create switchgrass plantings for deer, but lack the resources of expensive equipment? Than I encourage you to follow along, because I am excited to discuss these easy, strategic methods for getting the job done.
Hunting Food Plots: Where to Plant?
Ok folks, let's be honest; how many of you have decided which seed you are going to plant in your next hunting food plot, without knowing exactly where you were going to plant first?
Building A Quality Deer Herd
Do you love all things whitetail, like me? Are you passionate about not only hunting quality deer herds, but actually building quality deer herds as well?
Mark Kenyon: Chasing Whitetail Dreams
Have you folks heard about Mark Kenyon? If you haven't I am surprised, and if you have I am sure you will recognize him has one of the rising stars in today's whitetail industry.