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    deer cam location

    8 Advanced Deer Cam Location Strategies For Whitetails

    There is no observational tool more important than a game camera. In my article titled, "5 Game Camera Clues for Whitetails".I talked about several clues that a game camera can reveal to you outside of, "WOW, that's a giant buck!".

    food plots

    New Whitetail Lease, New Food Plots

    Switching to a new whitetail lease is another giant story I quite honestly just haven't felt like writing about at this point yet, lease, new food plots!

    early season bowhunting

    7 Early Season Bowhunting Strategies for Success

    During the early bow season, the hardwoods are just beginning to show the hints of their Autumn wardrobe, including shades of yellow, orange and red. For some bowhunters, the early November whitetail rut hasn't even entered their Autumn radar, while have already let the wind out of an early season archery brute.

    rubline rut forecast

    Rubline Rut Forecast For Mature Bucks

    This Western IL Rub is one of my favorites that I have found while on client trips over the past 10 seasons. Of course this was a big rub from giant mature whitetail, but when was it made and what kind of rut forecast can you expect from a find like this?

    parking lot venison backstrap

    Parking Lot Venison Backstrap Grilling Tips

    Ok Folks, so the scenario is that you are hunting out of state, staying at a motel, and you shoot a deer. Did I mention you are hungry for backstraps? Well, if you are like my buddies and I, why wait to eat?

    buck management

    Buck Management for Small Whitetail Parcels

    Can you realistically manage the complete life of a mature buck on a 40 acre parcel? No. But you can definitely manage for them!

     how i got wife to eat venison

    How I Got My Wife to Eat Venison

    My wife Diane, grew up in a non-hunting family. No rabbits, squirrel and venison. Although I too grew up in a non-hunting family, it was a pretty natural transition from fish to small game to venison.

    public land hunting pressure

    Using Public Land Hunting Pressure

    Four states away from my home in SW WI, there are 3 stand location areas within a NW PA tract of Federal land that have combined to produce nearly 20 buck kills for myself and a hunting buddy of mine.

    daylight trail cam pic

    Low Pressure Food Plots Equal Success

    Treat the plots like a sanctuary and both doe and buck movements to that food source will be consistent and dependable. Spook the plot...and that same movement will be more random and inconsistent, to the point of maybe not even including those same bucks that would have otherwise related to a more low-stress movement.

    qdm on poor whitetail habitat

    QDM On Poor Whitetail Habitat

    Let me paint a picture for you. 120 Acres covered with pockets of mature spruce, cedar, pine, soft maple, and fir, blended in with a substantial portion of tag-alder creek bottom, and clear-cut openings from the early 80s, full of a variety of young pine.

    game cam bucks

    The Lies of Summer Game Cam Bucks

    Summer game cam pics can either leave you feeling pretty empty, or fill you full of hope. Would you believe it is often the guys who are coming up empty, who are the ones who consistently have the best chance of shooting the bulk of the mature bucks in the neighborhood?

    Wpid Img 8028

    Natural Hunting and Habitat Designs for Whitetails

    Do you want success with your hunting and habitat designs? Of course the answer to this is very obvious! After all, dozens and sometimes hundreds of hours of work is spent to construct deer beds, food plots, travel corridors, waterholes, stand locations, access trails...