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Jumpstart Your Brassica Plots For Whitetails
Do you have any Rape, Turnips, Canola or Radishes growing on your land? Would you like to give your plantings a HUGE jumpstart of growth?

Food Plot Attraction Timing: Too early-too late-just right?
Sure, antler growing monsters, lactating does and Summer fawns all crave an outstanding spot to dine; but who's Summer forages are they pounding?

8 Low-Impact Mature Buck Hunting Tactics
As the soft put-put-put of the ATV started on the neighbor's land, I knew it wouldnt be long before a herd of deer would shoot through the heavily wooded river bottom. In fact I looked forward to it!

5 Early Season Archery Hot Spots for Mature Bucks
Are you getting pictures of Summer giants? If so, why wait for the rut to hunt? Early season bucks have a tendency to re-locate from their lazy Summer habitats to their core Fall hangouts, and if you think about it, it makes perfect sense!

Doe Management for Big Bucks on Small Parcels
The above picture is one of the most popular pictures I have ever shared. I am not exactly sure why, but I can guess for starters- it may be because it is a picture of a huge pile of does!

Egyptian Wheat Food Plot Screening
Of course Egyptian Wheat (EW) makes a great visual screen for your food plots, but how about a deer blind too? Actually, have you even heard of Egyptian Wheat?

Whitetail Success By Design
It was a clear, cold start to the 3rd morning of Michigan's 2011 Firearm Season as I crossed the marsh on my way to the line of heavy spruce trees that bordered in front of the river.

Buck Bed to Bowstand to Food Plot Video
Creating a defined line of movement that extends for several hundred yards or more, often starts within the most remote areas of your land. And what prefers to inhabit the most remote portions of your land? A mature buck!

Post Rut Phase Hunting Tactics
Can you imagine the flurry of craziness that a mature buck partakes in throughout the rut? For the majority of the year a mature buck lives a life of consistent boredom, but then the phases of the rut occur and when the Post Rut hits, there may be no better time to hunt a long range cruising giant!

Whitetail Peak Rut Tactics
The whitetail Peak Rut period during the 3 phases of the whitetail rut can be a significant, "Hit or Miss" adventure. Depending on the land that you are hunting, you may have to rely on both the Peak Rut and Post-rut to kill a mature buck almost exclusively.

Whitetail Pre Rut Strategies
The whitetail pre rut will begin in most areas at some point during the last 10 days of October. Are your pre rut strategies ready, or you at least thinking about them? I am, and if you are like me your mind wanders a lot throughout the entire process of preparing for some very serious mature buck hunting.

5 Steps To An Easy Whitetail Waterhole
Installing a waterhole is pretty easy and can still be completed in time for the start of the season. Years ago I first used 55 gallon barrels cut in 1/2 lengthwise, and then buried them deep into the soil so that the top of the 1/2-barrel was below ground level.