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Deer Stand Rotation Strategies
Do you have a favorite tree stand location? If your answer is like might respond "sure!" However, a thought I would like you to consider when you choose your next spot to sit in a tree this season, is this:...

Early Season Mathews Archery Article
Folks, If you have kept track I started submitting articles to Mathews Archery over the past few months, and here is a link to my 3rd writing that has been published...

Balanced Food Plot Blends For Small Parcels
What really is, the most accurate food plot blend for your area? As I travel around the country, and even experience my own past and present food plot plantings in various States and regions, something really jumps out at me:..

2015 Custom Whitetail Parcel Designs
I am currently scheduling clients for my 11th season of Whitetail Site Visits, for December of 2014-May of 2014. Dates are very limited and starting to fill quickly.

New Whitetail Waterhole Stand Locations
By September of 2014, I had 3 new waterholes installed on my new lease property. With a new lease there was a lot of work to accomplish, but I felt on this particular chunk of rolling hills, rock outcroppings and absolutely zero water; a waterhole was vital to my success.

Field Judging Whitetail Antler Guide
Are you a professional guide or game manager? If so, then this article may not be for you. Why? Because if you are working within the professional whitetail industry, the ability for accurately field judging whitetails between a 6 and 7 years old buck may be critical to the success of your career.

Trail Cam Mature Buck Forecast
Do you get random, mid-night pictures of a local giant or two? It may appear at times that a mature buck is nocturnal, when really he has just established his daytime core area somewhere else and it takes him a lot of time to get to your trail cam.

Deer Hunting Plots for Small Parcels
Throughout the years I've enjoyed getting to know a few mature bucks, as well as being able to be involved in hunting them.

The Shift of Whitetail Habitat is Starting
The leaves of soybeans are beginning to show the first signs of maturity and the last cutting of hay is just around the corner. The annual shift of whitetail habitat is starting to take place! What does that mean?

Winter Rye Layered Food Plot Progression
I am really excited to share the progression of my own personal layered plot plantings. "Yes", I do practice what I preach!

New Whitetail Hunting Lease Strategies
Do you have a new parcel of land that you now own or lease? Changing hunting grounds happens all of the time.

The Power of Winter Rye for Whitetail Food Plots
When we purchased our Upper Peninsula of MI land in 1999, I promptly coordinated a visit with the local conservation forester. Have you folks ever done the same?