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659 results:

Border Wars: Whitetail Trespass Strategies
The 2-acre food plot was lush, green, full of forage and meticulously cared for with experienced and knowledgeable hands. Approximately 600 long, the 150 wide north/south planting was truly a focus of destination for the local deer herd...

Ranking the Mature Buck Potential for Hunting Land
-Does the land that you hunt contain giant bucks and an incredible deer herd? If so, there are probably several reasons for that

Staying Warm in the Deer Stand
In the fall of 2003 my lease partner Tim and I set out on our annual WI pre-rut hunt. A cold front was in the forecast for the first four days of November and although we had a couple of tubs of clothes each we just didnt anticipate how COLD the cold front was actually going to be.

Public Land Gun Season Opener
Are you hunting a public land gun season opener somewhere this year? Although this tactic works great on private land as well, Id like to teach you how to take advantage of a public land deer drive!

Whitetail Cold Front Hunting Strategies
The only light in the woods was coming from the end of my small flashlight. When the light was off, it was black. When the light was on, the emptiness of the faint sliver of light cutting through the sub-freezing Northern Michigan swamp was comforting only because of the knowledge of a backup flashlight and bulb in my daypack.

Bowhunting The Phases of the Rut
Shed hunting starts and ends, food plots are painfully established and maintained, and finally the bow season begins with the full anticipation of the approaching rut! But then something strange happens that you have most likely all experienced:

Mathews Archery New No Cam Bow
After a trip to the Mathews factory in early November and a stop to see Anthony Schmidt at La Crosse Archery in La Crosse WI, my Mathews Archery new No Cam bow was ready to hit the woods!

Opening Day Gun Season Strategies
I love to bowhunt, which is definitely my passion over hunting with a gun. However, I love to hunt with a gun too! The tradition of opening day, the shear # of hunters that come out of the woodwork and the level of hunting excitement is hard to beat.

Whitetail Rut Weather Guide
For the past few years I have released my whitetail rut weather guides because I have been relying exclusively on the weather to predict my hunting efforts for over 2 decades! Why? Because over many years "weather" has proven to me, to be the #1 influence of daily deer movements during the rut.

When Should I Plan an All Day Sit for Whitetails?
How often do you plan on an all day sit for whitetails? From incredible hunts that ended during the last 1/2 hour of daylight, to "dark to dark" sits that have ended with zero deer sightings, I have experienced the entire spectrum from failure to success during an all day sit for whitetails.

When Should I Use Calling Techniques For Bucks?
In 2000 I was looking for a decent buck in MI's heavily hunted Upper Peninsula region. The cover was thick, the number of bait piles in the area out numbered the deer herd, and the buck age structure was very young.

Whitetail Rut Morning Treestand Access Guide
When do you access your treestand in the morning? Are you a 2 hour before daybreak kind of hunter? What about right at the last minute...or even, later after mis-setting the alarm?