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659 results:

Hunting Food Plots: Where to Plant?
Ok folks, let's be honest; how many of you have decided which seed you are going to plant in your next hunting food plot, without knowing exactly where you were going to plant first?

Advanced Deer Mineral Strategies: Defining Deer Movement
What are your own deer mineral strategies? Are they even legal in your state to use? When do you place them in the woods and fields of the lands that you hunt?

Luke's Delaware Whitetail Success
I want you to know how the "Success by Design" concepts have worked out. After spending untold amounts of hard days working and massive funds spent to create a hunting bonanza here, I was failing year after year. By failing I mean my hunting results were not improving.

Jackson County Monster MI Youth Buck
"Jeff. My 11 yr. old son shot this yesterday morning with his muzzleloader in Jackson County Michigan. Gross green scores 173". I have read your first book, have used some of your food plot techniques,...

Deer Corridors: Hoop Dreams
There may be no better way to bring a deer to your bowstand, than by creating a deer corridor right to your bowstand! Have you tried to create one?

Building A Quality Deer Herd
Do you love all things whitetail, like me? Are you passionate about not only hunting quality deer herds, but actually building quality deer herds as well?

Favorite Deer Stand Location
Tales of first deer harvests, giant bucks and that old gnarly oak where you watched a bobcat slink by; do you have a favorite deer stand? For me personally, I have had many favorite deer stand locations!

The 2015 Whitetail Rut Will Be
Has the madness for the 2015 Whitetail Rut already started for you? Here is your complete guide to the 2015 Whitetail Rut, including a timeline of season-long mature buck opportunities.

Reducing Hunting Pressure: Following A Non-Hunter's Example
I would like you to think about all of the whitetail-filled lands that you personally know, where the process of reducing hunting pressure is a matter of circumstance, and not due to a strategic mindset by hunters.

Archery Shooting Tips: Shoot Like a Pro
Archery shooting tips, do you need them? Boy it seems like a loooong time ago, but in my "past life" I was a Factory Sponsored Pro 3D shooter for Mathews Archery. At some

Mark Kenyon: Chasing Whitetail Dreams
Have you folks heard about Mark Kenyon? If you haven't I am surprised, and if you have I am sure you will recognize him has one of the rising stars in today's whitetail industry.

Food Plot Location Guide
What are your personal food plot location strategies? As you all know, food plots come in all shapes, sizes, seed varieties and levels of quality. Is it the best food? The best soil? The best equipment?