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The Myth of Nocturnal Bucks
Are nocturnal bucks for real and if so, how can you avoid them? Why does there appear to even be nocturnal bucks in the first place?

Attracting A Buck Herd To Your Habitat
In 1999, attracting a buck herd to my remote, wilderness chunk of land seemed like an impossible task. The region housed less than 15 deer per square mile, was surrounded by public land and featured an annual Winter die-off of 50% of the entire fawn crop.

Easy Doe Hunting Equals Herd Success
There is most likely no greater indication that your herd, hunting and habitat efforts are running smoothly, than if you experience easy doe hunting opportunities.

Hinge Cut Bedding Guide
WOW...Hinge cut bedding techniques for deer have come an incredibly long ways in the last 20 years! Have you noticed? If you want to skip right to the basics of creating hinge cut bedding forward to a few paragraphs below.

Northern WI Deer Habitat Success
I love Northern WI deer habitat and hunting, as well as any other northern lands including MN, WI and MI! I personally lived in a Northern wilderness setting for 14 years, but have hunted for nearly 30 years in agricultural land as well;...

Switchgrass Plantings for Deer Bedding?
Have you ever wanted to easily create switchgrass plantings for deer, but lack the resources of expensive equipment? Than I encourage you to follow along, because I am excited to discuss these easy, strategic methods for getting the job done.

Deer Browse for Daytime Bedding
Do you have enough deer browse to house deer during the daytime hours? Deer are rhythmic pattern feeders and what that means is that deer browse and feed 5 times during a 24 hour period.

2015 Rut Prediction: Weekend Rut Timing
For this 2015 rut prediction I would like to focus on four weekends that are critical to your success! Are you a "Weekend Warrior"? And even more importantly, does the term weekend warrior have a negative vibe surrounding it?

Natural Browse Plot Creations for Deer
Have you ever created a natural browse plot? Staring across the Northern WI lowland, mixed with young aspen regen, red osier dogwood, white and yellow birch, red maple, tag alder and various conifers, the diversity of the habitat was incredible, but disappointing.

Doe and Buck Bedding Areas: Small Parcel Habitat
Have you ever considered why there are doe bedding areas, and buck bedding areas? Figuring out where and why buck bedding areas are located in a particular spot in the woods is pretty easy to discover, once you understand why does bed here and bucks bed there.

Mock Scrape Strategies: Creating Buck Movement
Do you have any mock scrape strategies? Zipline scrape trails, anchored licking branches and scrape hoops; have you tried any?

40 Acre MI Whitetail Habitat Plan
“I bought my property in December of 2012. It had all the features I was looking for except a river/creek either way I knew this was the one and had a lot of potential from my previous experiences with LaPratt on other properties and boot camp.