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When To Hunt The Whitetail Rut
The #1 decision on many deer hunter's minds for the majority of the year, is when to hunt the whitetail rut.

Weekly Midwest Whitetail Rut Forecast: October 12th
Are you ready for a Midwest Whitetail Rut forecast based on proven strategies, that you can actually take to the field?

Nocturnal Trail Cam Pics: How To Avoid
Nocturnal trail cam pics of giant bucks are hard to avoid; or are they?

10 Reasons To Never Hunt A Food Plot
Wait, "Never Hunt a Food Plot"?!? But on TV it looks like the best way to kill a monster buck!

Top 5 Mature Buck Movement Triggers
The annual whitetail rut is unquestionably the best mature buck movement trigger. However a skilled mature buck hunter should be able to harvest an old brute during anytime of the hunting season.

Brooks WI Cold Front Buck
It is getting to that time of the year, and I love hearing about all of the cold front bucks being harvested, in particular in my home state of WI!

Bauman 2015 WI Giant Cold Weather Buck
If you are connected to the hunting circles of social media, you have most likely already heard about the Nick Bauman 2015 WI giant.

Immediate Early Season Hunting Alert
You certainly don't want to miss the incredible opportunity that you have this weekend, but at the same time these are the same conditions that you should be using to predict your hunts from now through the end of the rut.

Hidden Pop Up Blind Strategies
As I sat in a treestand high above the rain soaked forest floor, my hunting buddy sat on the ground in a pop up, on the corner of a corn field.

Relaxed Archery Grip
What is the single most important piece of archery shooting advice that you can practice for this bowseason?

Bowhunting Shooting Form
Are you ready for bow season? Lately I find myself shifting roles from coach to mentor to father for my two 13 year old boys...

Trail Cam Placement For Buck ID
I have to admit, I am extremely fond of trail cameras. The amount of mature buck insight that can be gleaned from just a few weeks from 1 high quality trail cam placement, can provide more info than several seasons of hunting observations. But not all trail cam placements are created equal.