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Summer Hinge Cut Strategies
Have you ever hinge cut a tree for deer bedding? Then make sure not to miss out on your Summer hinge cut opportunities!

Travel Corridor Treestand Setups For Deer
During the Summer months there is so much to do, that we often ignore that hanging stands in the heat with sweat dripping from our chins, may just be the #1 time for perfecting our treestand setups.

Summer Whitetail Strategy Checklist
I can fully admit that my personal level of Summer whitetail strategy activities, have been highly variable depending on the year. Food plot plantings, treestand maintainance, waterholes, trail cam missions, archery tune-ups and mock scrape installs sometimes take a backseat to family, friends and summertime fun.

Whitetail Bedding Staging Area
From what I have experienced there are two distinctly different mature buck staging areas. The first staging area is the typical food source staging area that is very difficult to hunt, often becomes overhunted quickly and potentially should be...

Are You Positively Managing Whitetail Herds?
Managing whitetail herds takes more than great goals, solid guidelines and a lot of habitat work. It takes results.

Daylight Trail Cam Pic Check Up
A huge collection of annual trail cam pics of big bucks is a great start, but how many do you collect during the daylight? While a midnight pic lets you know that a wise old buck is living somewhere in your neighborhood, a daylight trail cam pic lets you know that he is living on or close to your land.

Traditional Whitetail Rut Timing
The good news is, the timing of the annual whitetail rut will take place in your location at the same time, every single year. However, there are a couple of factors that effect the intensity of the rut:

5 Signs Your Whitetail Habitat Design Is Working
Each year, 10s of thousands of landowners set out to create the best whitetail habitat design that they can achieve, in an effort to produce outstanding deer herds and the high quality hunting opportunities that come with it.

Trail Cam Survey For Savvy Hunters
Would you like to complete a trail cam survey on your land this hunting season, that actually works? Traditional science based methods involve placing X number of cameras on a corn pile on your land for every X number of acres, for up to 2 weeks of time, before the season even begins.

Creating Whitetail Habitat Quickly
Do you have a need for creating whitetail habitat sooner rather than later? Then you have come to the right place!

Trail Cam Locations for Increasing Buck Pics
Are your trail cam locations setting you up to capture over 90% of the bucks within a 1/4 mile of your parcel borders? If not, I have experienced 3 proven strategies..

The 2016 Whitetail Rut Will Be
Would you like to exactly which days will be the hottest, can't miss days to climb into your favorite treestand during the 2016 whitetail rut? Then here is your 2016 hunting season guide for creating your own precision mature buck sit forecast, for the entire rut and beyond.