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    Screen Shot 2017 06 13 At 2 30 13 Pm

    Gear You Need for an All Day Deer Hunt

    The way I see it, there are two types of hunters in this world. The first hunter packs light and takes only what is necessary for each sit. The second, packs all but the kitchen sink.


    Why Use Lighted Nocks For Bowhunting

    Barring a few stubborn western states, the widespread legal use and acceptance of lighted nocks has exploded over the past several years. Lighted nocks have greatly influenced the bowhunting industry...

    deer moon phase

    3 Critical Moon Phase Tips For Deer Hunting

    Have you seen the explosion of moon phase charts, tables, books and articles? That's a lot of moonisms to wade through! However, are any of the dozens of tips right for you and in particular, your future level of deer hunting success?

    Wbd Ep 8 Full

    Passing an October Lull 5 Year Old - Whitetails By Design TV - Ep 08

    The early weeks of October often trigger cries of a phenomenon most commonly referred to as "The October Lull." Experienced hunters know that this brief period of inactivity is easily conquered.

    small parcels monster bucks

    Fall Small Parcels For Monster Bucks

    Creating mature buck parcels during the Summer is tough! Why? Because whitetails gravitate to huge warm season food sources during the Summer months. But if you are a serious hunter you are in luck, because creating a Fall Small parcel for monster bucks is a whole lot easier...

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    Scent Vs Sound Control For Deer

    Controling your scent while in the deer woods is important. Afterall, who can argue with the thousands of products, ads, articles and videos that cover the art of effective scent control. However, how important really is scent control for whitetails. After all, if you...

    whitetail forecast

    October 10th Weekly Midwest Whitetail Forecast

    We can almost stop right there because that same drop swept through the area last weekend and it resulted in many Booners on the ground. When you see double digit drops you need to take advantage of them, but when you...

    hunt over a scrape

    When To Hunt Over A Scrape

    Nothing gets the hunting juices flowing like a giant, fresh scrape! While the emotions of hunters finding a new scrape can run as hot as the buck that just tore up the earth to create it, not all scrapes are created equal. In fact, should you ever even attempt to hunt over a scrape and if so, when?

    Wbd Ep7 Full

    Hunting A Cold Front - Whitetails By Design TV - Ep 07

    What goes into the preperation for hunting a cold front? From targeting specific bucks to pulling trail cams to reading the weather forecast, up to 10 days of planning has the potential to be highly rewarding. While every cold front is not created equal, the concepts that should be applied to harvesting a mature buck are.

    weather buck patterns

    Using The Weather To Pattern Bucks

    When will a mature buck's patterns turn to daylight? When the weather tells him to. After using the weather to pattern bucks for nearly 3 decades, I have found that when the weather speaks, it rarely lies. You can find a mature buck on his feet and near your stand during shooting hours, by using the weather to pattern him.

    whitetail weather

    Critical Weekend Whitetail Weather Forecast

    ​If you are an ultra serious whitetail hunter who lives and dies by the weather forecast, this weekend can not be missed. If you are patient and have waited for your first bowhunting sit to be perfect, then this weekend's weather forecast has it all! 


    Choosing A Broadhead

    It’s an old and tired debate; mechanical vs. fixed blade broadheads. But there are many other factors to consider when choosing a broadhead.