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Personal Responsibility for Whitetails – DNR Blame Game
Brace yourselves, I may ruffle some feathers, but this is an article I feel needs to be written. I think it’s time for hunters to realize their personal responsibility when it comes to managing whitetails. It has unfortunately become the norm to blame the DNR for every shortcoming of whitetail management and hunting efforts.

Important Buck Bed Habitat Tip
Are you scouting for a monster buck bedding area? What about creating a few acres of buck bed habitat with a chainsaw? It's time to find out the #1 buck bedding habitat tip that you can use, to discover or create, the best mature buck bedding areas in the woods!

Native Grass Plantings For Deer? Beware
CRP and Pheasant plantings can create beautiful fields of habitat for all critters! However, if your aim falls squarely on deer beware, because most native grass plantings for deer, sorely miss their mark.

Shed Antler Timing For Small Parcels
As pictures of shed antlers begin to flood news feeds across the country, it’s hard not to lace up and scour your property looking for those early antlers. But on small parcels, timing is everything. The level of shed antler timing that you exercise, can ultimately determine how many you’ll discover this year.

How Mock Scrapes Work For You
Do you want to create it, define it and then support deer movement? Then a mock scrape will work well for your desires. However, mock scrapes work extremely well for many other areas of your hunting and habitat management goals too!

Gun vs Bow - Best Weapon For Mature Bucks?
Any hunters vs hunter talk in my eyes, is unacceptable. Which weapon a person shoots a deer with one of the largest categories of debate. That being said, I love the challenge of shooting a giant old buck with a bow! However, is it really more of a challenge to shoot a mature buck with a bow or gun?

Mature Buck Travel Distance Unraveled
How far does a mature buck travel to get to your land? Let's face it, a mature buck is not nocturnal. Instead, he will travel quite a distance -and take a long time to get to your land- under the cover of darkness. It's time to learn where a buck lives, by what time he shows up!

Best Mock Scrape Ingredients
Don't be fooled by low value imitations. These 4 mock scrape ingredients are all that you need to create high quality, fail-proof mature buck attractions.

WDNR Board OK's Leaving Tree Stands Overnight on Public Land
What do you think of this decision? Should hunters be able to leave their stands on public lands overnight? The motion which was approved unanimously by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources' board will allow hunters to leave their tree stands overnight on public land North of HWY 64 from September 1st to January 31st.

High Level 80 Acre Whitetail Habitat Success
Put the work in, and you will be rewarded. Dedication to completing his habitat design, persistence, and disciplined hunting practices helped my good friend and client Jared, harvest this stud of a Wisconsin whitetail after a 3 year journey.

Efficient Whitetail Habitat Improvement Or Bust
The worst thing that you as a landowner can do with your parcel, is to improve each and every acre on your land, for whitetails. Efficient whitetail acres are the key to your success. Efficient acres equal defined deer usage and defined deer usage equals effective hunting practices.

How To Find Whitetail Herd and Hunting Success
Which comes first, herd or hunting success? The answer is a pretty easy one; you can't find one without the other. The quality and success of your hunt will be directly proportionate to the quality of the herd that you are hunting. That may seem obvious, however, if your ultimate goal is one, make sure not to neglect the other!