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    hide food plots

    3 Reasons To Hide Your Food Plots

    Do you hide your food plots as much as you do your most secluded bedding areas? You should, because unhidden food plots can equal disaster on parcels of 1000 acres or less.

    2005 WI Archery Target Buck

    2005 WI Archery Target Buck

    Strictly following the forecast for an early November cold front, led me directly to my 2005 WI Archery target buck!

    increasing daytime trail cam

    5 Tips For Increasing Daytime Trail Cam Pics

    What's the best tip for increasing daytime trail cam pics of giant bucks? Don't hunt or step foot on your land, during the hunting season.

    use a deer waterhole

    How To Use A Deer Waterhole To Anchor Buck Movement

    When whitetails are bedding dry and traveling to or from food, using a deer waterhole to anchor buck movement can pay huge rewards during the entire hunting season. The perfect waterhole setup takes a little planning and lot of hard work, but several bow stands at once, can often be enhanced.

    food plot acreage

    Necessary Base Food Plot Acreage Strategy

    Every private parcel has a necessary base amount of food plot acreage that should be the foundation of their entire planting strategy. The amount of forage needed on your land, is the total volume of food that you need, to attract the attention of the local deer herd during the entire hunting season.


    Summer Scouting Strategy For Fall Bucks

    What if I told you that there was a Summer scouting strategy that you could apply now, to accurately practice and use for your Fall buck pursuits? Well you are in luck, because there IS! I am excited to reveal to you that I have used this scouting method since the late 80s to create over 80% of my total buck harvests.​


    Deer Blind Strategies for High Pressure States

    It's time to make sure your deer blind strategies include more than just buying a great blind and setting it up in the middle of your favorite food plot.

    food plots for deer bedding

    Food Plots For Deer Bedding Areas

    One of the most powerful aspects of using food plots for deer hunting and habitat management, is that food plots dictate where deer choose to bed. If your goal is to experience the highest level of herd and hunting success, then using food plots to create deer bedding opportunity isn't just a cool concept, it's a priority.

    Untitled 1

    Target Buck Success By Trail Cam

    While there is an enormous amount of hunting strategy that went into the level of target buck success that we experienced in the Fall of 2016, it all began with our pre-season trail cam strategy. There are several key points throughout the years, that have combined to refine my approach for the harvest of dozens of target bucks.

    Habitat Day

    Advanced Whitetail Strategy Event

    Are you a whitetail hunting and habitat nut? Then this is a can't miss opportunity for you to experience first-hand, advanced whitetail strategies that have been 3 decades in the making. Most importantly, you will learn how to apply those proven strategies specifically to your own habitat and hunt, no matter where you live.


    Early Successional Growth For Whitetails

    It's a phrase that get's tossed around a lot these days by whitetail habitat managers; Early Successional Growth... But what exactly does that mean, and is it always a good thing?

    hinge cut deer cover

    Instant Hinge Cut Deer Cover And Food

    Barely into Spring green-up, these hinge cuts are already producing an explosion of deer habitat. Our February hard work, was successful in creating instant hinge cut deer cover and food!