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Best 2017 Food Plot Mix
The hottest food plot mix for you in 2017 is impossible to narrow down to any 1 particular blend. In fact, this year I am using 3 blends that combine to create my latest mixes. For over 2 decades my best food plots mixes have had two goals: Season long attraction and forage diversity. 2017 is no different!

Do Your Habitat Improvements Last All Deer Season?
Dancing fawns, fat does and exploding antlers are all great, but do your habitat improvements last all deer season long? Any holes in your deer habitat improvements during the months of October, November and December can destroy any of your herd and hunting goals, so here are some tips to create improvements that last.

5 Ways To Kill Nocturnal Bucks
While many are left to hinge their hopes of killing a nocturnal during the peak of the rut, some hunters consistently reap the rewards of experiencing the daylight movements of the oldest bucks in the neighborhood. If your goal is to kill nocturnal bucks every season during the daylight, there are 5 simples rules to hunt by.

Advanced Whitetail Strategy Seminar Series Coming Soon!
The first Whitetail Strategy Seminar Series event is coming soon to Grand Rapids, MI, so don't miss out!

2017 Whitetail Rut Forecast
The 2017 whitetail rut forecast for the best days to sit in a tree this Fall, includes toe numbing mornings, clear blue skies and if you have to predict, probably even a little snow.

Why You Need To Hide Your Deer Waterholes
Deer waterholes need to be hidden and there is a reason that some hunters can get away with not hiding any of them, and other hunters need to hide every one.

Deer Hunting In The Rain
While deer hunting in the rain can lead to a pretty miserable sit in a treestand, great results can make the soaking worth it, when you learn to practice this simple strategy!

How To Create Evening Whitetail Waterhole Setups
Evening whitetail waterhole setups represent the most common drinking time for thirsty whitetails, all season long. Have you created your waterholes in the right location?

Highly Efficient Buck Scouting Tip
Successfully scouting for bucks on a new chunk of ground doesn't actually take as much time as you may think. Leave the hard work behind, because here is a proven scouting tip to help you locate mature bucks in 2 days or less.

4 Steps For Killing A Target Buck
The process of killing a target buck may at first seem like a nearly impossible task. However, I have experienced that if you follow the right steps, you can consistently create precision opportunities for any mature buck that you are attempting to target.

Morning, Mid-Day And Evening Buck Hunting Strategy
What is the value of your morning, mid-day and evening buck hunting sits? While using one stand to hunt from all day is a trendy strategy, most of the time you are severely limiting your buck harvest potential. Instead, a great strategy is to learn to maximize each portion of the day to help you find consistent success.

When To Start A Mock Scrape
When it comes to starting a mock scrape I am borrowing a portion of an old familiar phrase from years ago because, "The time to start a mock scrape, is any time"!