How To Design Your Deer Hunting Parcel


The Whitetail Web Class That You Need!

I'm really excited to introduce this web class series because it will change the way you create and hunt deer habitat for the rest of your life.

Since 2005, I've consulted on over 1000 parcels in 26 states. That's at least one every single week of the year for the last 15 years!

By the end of this web class, you will be able to look at your land, and be able to design your own parcel. You get to experience firsthand the exact steps and methods I use when I design a whitetail parcel. My concepts have been refined from hundreds of client experiences since 2005 and decades of advanced whitetail habitat and hunting success stories going all the way back to the mid 80s.

While nothing compares to an actual visit to your property in-person, this class will give you the tools to help you design a whitetail hunting parcel for yourself that a short "online consultation" can never provide.

Jeff Sturgis in Class

Learn the key pieces of Whitetail Habitat Design

Featuring 18 online video lessons in over 10 hours of video, you’ll learn:

  • The entire strategy of food plots that fit YOUR parcel
  • How, where and why to create bedding areas and when to hunt them
  • The true test of morning, evening and mid day treestand setups
  • How waterholes and mock scrapes can create highly defined buck movements
  • Why more habitat isn't necessarily better for you herd or hunt
  • How much Depth of Cover you need on your land
  • Critical Buck AND Doe Bedding strategies
  • Where you should feature soft and hard mast on your land
  • How to wade through Timber Stand Improvement (TSI) practices that actually make a difference for your herd and hunt
  • Proven trail cam concepts & strategies that will build your herd and hunt
  • How and Why your whitetail design can match the natural habitat features that are specific to your land
  • How to keep doe family groups spook-feee on your land so that mature bucks will slot into alignment
  • Why you can't have a great hunt without a great herd
  • How to set habitat and hunting priorities based on your personal resources
  • The 80/20 rule: how to turn 5 years of work into a high level of success, in just 5 months or less
  • Does your land pass these 7 essential tests?

... and much more!

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Your Instructor

Jeff Sturgis takes decades of pursuing his passion, and then professionally transfers those pursuits into the enhancement of his client’s, reader's and viewer's hunting and habitat experiences, across the entire country. Jeff prides himself in creating the healthiest free-ranging deer herds in the world of whitetails, as well as taking on the challenge of hunting the oldest bucks in the neighborhood. Not only has he been able to create, own and operate a successful business in the whitetail industry since 2005, but he has been able to work along side his wife Diane while doing so.

Jeff received the QDMA's Deer Manager of the Year award in 2004, and hasn't stopped learning since. After studying and creating over 1000 whitetail videos and articles, as well as working on over 1000 client lands across 26 whitetail states, Jeff is in a league of his own when it comes to the ability to design your habitat, herd and hunt - anywhere a whitetail roams!

My only regret is we didn’t do it 20 years earlier!
—George D- Wisconsin

I have enjoyed the class. I have some specific questions that I hope the Facebook group would give opinions on, great idea.

Wanted to say thanks to WHS team .
—Barry- NY

A big Thank You to Jeff and the WHS team, a real class act! It is nice to have a team to turn to that I trust.
—Patrick- WI

Jeff has allowed me to take the advanced principles of land management, and put them to use on my property in a language I could understand.
—Eric E

Never get tired of hearing from my deer hunting coach! ☺ I hope you get one or two of those Monsters!

Another Fantastic video Jeff! I love how you break down the depth of cover!

We have a solid plan for the next five years and beyond.
—Allan- Wisconsin

Just wanted to drop a note to say how great of a time I had with Dylan
—Carlie - WI

Love these informative videos, Thanks Jeff!
—Norm Y


PLUS: Exclusive bonuses worth over $120+

Future Discounts For Upcoming Web Classes

After you purchase this web class, we're giving you a 20% Off savings code for a substantial savings on any other web class series that is in our library in the future. We expect major hunting and habitat classes to be released during the Fall, Winter and Spring of 2020/2021. This offer extends to retail price only, and your savings code can be used at any time after the initial 30 day introductory price for each web series.


Make sure to follow along with your web class workbook that will be personally signed by Jeff and mailed to your shortly after your purchase. For the first class, “How To Design Your Deer Hunting Parcel”, there is room for notes on each page, as well as pages to begin designing your parcel towards the end of the book.
a $30 Value

Free eBook Collection

Along with the “How To Design Your Deer Hunting Parcel” web class, enjoy our first 3 eBooks as further foundations of content to assist you in more accurately designing your hunt, habitat and herd.
—$60 Value

Exclusive WHS Hat

Most deer hunters love hats, and we know you will enjoy our exclusive, high quality hat that is specific to each web class title that will be offered. Hopefully you will want to collect them all!
$30 Value

Membership In WHS Private Facebook Group

This is a private, “Members Only” Facebook page that is only available by invitation to web class purchasers and site visit clients. Are you tired of wading through the plethora of poor online advice? Then you can take advantage of high-quality discussions with passionate hunters and habitat managers who share a common goal of getting it done right the first time.

Why I don't believe in "online consultations"

Since 2005 I have designed over 1000 deer parcels for paying clients in 26 states. However, I understand that not every individual can pay my daily rate of nearly $3000. Also, even though I am visiting 125 clients during the 2020 client season, that total number is likely the most I will ever again. I really like to stay home more often throughout the year to spend time with family, friends and the whitetail lands that I personally work and hunt on. I am often asked to complete online or phone consultations and those practices simply are not effective and even with the level of experience that I carry, I do not believe that those level of services create enough depth and value to place my stamp of approval on. Due to a lack of time, folks that simply can’t afford to have me visit their land and the level of inaccuracy that online or phone consultations provide, my WHS web classes have been born!

An exceptional compromise

I am extremely excited to deliver to you what I feel is an exceptional compromise between my actual boots on the ground at your deer parcel versus the lower level of accuracy for online and phone consultations. What I try do my best through my web class is to take you through the logical progression of steps for what it takes to design your whitetail parcel in person, by allowing you to make the decisions of balance needed to accurately build a plan that fits you, your resources, your land and the local needs of the whitetail herd. The concepts work, the concepts have been originated by me personally and the concept have been proven over decades of work by tens of thousands of viewers, readers and clients. While these are the concepts that flood my books and over 1000 articles and videos that can be found on my website and YouTube channel, this is the most comprehensive set of content that can be used to effectively design your whitetail parcel – within the steps that you should work to complete them in.

By the conclusion of the class you should know where to place your bedding areas, habitat plantings, deer travel corridors, waterholes, morning stands, evening stands, food plots, much more – and WHY! In the end your land should pass the 7 tests of whitetail habitat and hunting design and if not, well, the lessons, books, and exclusive private membership in our WHS Facebook web class and client page, are all resources to help you get the job done right!

My WHS Web Classes (more to come) are the next best thing to having me design your land in person, and I am excited to open the availability of these classes to a far greater number of folks than the number I personally work with per year – at a much more affordable price!

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?

The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.

How long do I have access to the course?

After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.

What do I need to access the course?

If you have an Internet connection and a modern web browser, you'll be able to view the content.

Can I download the course for offline use?

Not at this time but please let us know if this is something you need. We might be able to make accommodations due to your circumstances (eg spotty/slow Internet, plane trip, etc.).

Is the course available on other formats (eg DVD, audio only).

Not at this time. However, please let us know if this is something you would find useful.

Are there closed-captions / transcript available?

Not yet, but please let us know so we can make accommodations.

What if I am unhappy with the course? Is there any refunds?

If you are unsatisfied, please let us know so we can address your concern.

I purchased the class—how do I login?

After you purchase the class, you will be prompted to create a password to this website and setup your account. If you forgot your password please try resetting it.

What Others Are Saying

I just wanted to reach out to thank you for the wealth of knowledge you share. I believe it has helped me become a better hunter. I was on of those guys that’s say you can’t get them from the couch. But now I’m a firm believer in hunting the weather. I shot my biggest buck to date on 11/2/24. That day the high temp had dropped over 30 degrees from two days prior. My deer weighed 212 pounds. Green scored 135”. I got him over a mock scrape with a vine. In my area that is a giant. Thanks again!

Patrick, NY

Jeff visited us in Central Michigan for the first time in the spring of 2022. In the 3 years we have hunted the property before Jeff’s consultation we had shot 4 bucks all scoring between 95”- 105” Jeff came out and gave us a plan. The biggest take away for us was to create significantly more depth of cover and access. Jeff had us move our food plots away from the middle of the property to create layers of bedding and helped us understand how to use the topography of our property for hunting access. I watched hours and hours of Jeff on YouTube and had a pretty good idea about what he was going to recommend, but having him in person able to apply his management philosophy to our property specifically directly made it easy. We started making changes immediately and that first hunting season, shot a 130” 5 year old 10 point.
This year, our switchgrass is coming in our food plots are expanding, and our blinds and stand locations are even better than before. We still have plenty of work ahead of us, but now, we have a plan. Thanks Jeff and the WHS team!

Bryan K- Michigan

Just finished my first on line class... I can imagine some guys saying I've read the books, I've watched the videos, I may have been on a designed property before...I don't need the class, what could I possibly gain from it...well...I've read the books 5 or 6 times each, watched the videos multiple times, been on your designed properties and been on properties with you’s much like when you tell us about how you will surpass a 1000 clients this year...the more you hear, see and do...the more your eyes and mind put all the pieces of the puzzle together. Too often people look for or expect too much....if you can't learn just one thing each time you read a book, watch a video, walk your need to remove your blinders!

Bruce M

I can’t begin to express how happy I am to have made the decision to choose Whitetail Habit Solutions (WHS). Jeff and his team have done amazing things for everyone which includes me. As an out of state owner my time is limited and I knew I needed help so I researched and follow Jeff for awhile and the decision was very easy for me to learn from to get me on track. Kevan Smith came out to the property and was absolutely a beast getting things straightened out and offered great information to help me understand how to properly set things up and how to hunt the property the correct way.
I was able to turn my struggle over the years and turn it into a successful memory. I was able to do this by following the proven concepts Jeff created over the years. Staying focused to maximize the potential and leverage my limited time was important for me in order to become successful. WHS was able to help me get there. By following the concepts it offers a higher potential to the success you’re looking for and also gives you those important memories with family and friends on the way to fulfilling your dreams.
A Big Thank You to Jeff choosing to share for all to learn and for his team for sharing his vision. Your awesome!

Here are some photos of my 1st years success and more to come.

Brad- Kentucky

I just wanted to say thank you so much for all the information you provide on this site and on YouTube. Your information on weather, deer behavior, dos/don'ts, rut activity and more has been so helpful to me. Last week, I put down a small 9-point buck; it's what my friends are calling a damn good "you've got two young kids at home" buck lol.

WHS information helped me every step of the way. When I scouted my property, I heard Jeff's voice reminding me of what to look for. I found a nice cruising funnel (a crossroads, really), and multiple bucks came by last Friday. By prioritizing high-value mornings, I took the deer in under 7 hours in the ground blind. Next year, I can't wait to make improvements (food, water source, mock scrapes) that I've seen you all use and explain.

I've been blessed with a lot of great friends who helped me in person every step of the way as well. But your stuff has been wonderful -- easy to understand, presented with a humble authority and not too long.

John, Ohio

How To Design Your Deer Hunting Parcel

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