The Whitetail Web Class That You Need!
I'm really excited to introduce this web class series because it will change the way you create and hunt deer habitat for the rest of your life.
Since 2005, I've consulted on over 1000 parcels in 26 states. That's at least one every single week of the year for the last 15 years!
By the end of this web class, you will be able to look at your land, and be able to design your own parcel. You get to experience firsthand the exact steps and methods I use when I design a whitetail parcel. My concepts have been refined from hundreds of client experiences since 2005 and decades of advanced whitetail habitat and hunting success stories going all the way back to the mid 80s.
While nothing compares to an actual visit to your property in-person, this class will give you the tools to help you design a whitetail hunting parcel for yourself that a short "online consultation" can never provide.

Learn the key pieces of Whitetail Habitat Design
Featuring 18 online video lessons in over 10 hours of video, you’ll learn:
- The entire strategy of food plots that fit YOUR parcel
- How, where and why to create bedding areas and when to hunt them
- The true test of morning, evening and mid day treestand setups
- How waterholes and mock scrapes can create highly defined buck movements
- Why more habitat isn't necessarily better for you herd or hunt
- How much Depth of Cover you need on your land
- Critical Buck AND Doe Bedding strategies
- Where you should feature soft and hard mast on your land
- How to wade through Timber Stand Improvement (TSI) practices that actually make a difference for your herd and hunt
- Proven trail cam concepts & strategies that will build your herd and hunt
- How and Why your whitetail design can match the natural habitat features that are specific to your land
- How to keep doe family groups spook-feee on your land so that mature bucks will slot into alignment
- Why you can't have a great hunt without a great herd
- How to set habitat and hunting priorities based on your personal resources
- The 80/20 rule: how to turn 5 years of work into a high level of success, in just 5 months or less
- Does your land pass these 7 essential tests?
... and much more!

Your Instructor
Jeff Sturgis takes decades of pursuing his passion, and then professionally transfers those pursuits into the enhancement of his client’s, reader's and viewer's hunting and habitat experiences, across the entire country. Jeff prides himself in creating the healthiest free-ranging deer herds in the world of whitetails, as well as taking on the challenge of hunting the oldest bucks in the neighborhood. Not only has he been able to create, own and operate a successful business in the whitetail industry since 2005, but he has been able to work along side his wife Diane while doing so.
Jeff received the QDMA's Deer Manager of the Year award in 2004, and hasn't stopped learning since. After studying and creating over 1000 whitetail videos and articles, as well as working on over 1000 client lands across 26 whitetail states, Jeff is in a league of his own when it comes to the ability to design your habitat, herd and hunt - anywhere a whitetail roams!