Hills & Thermals Whitetail Hunting Web Class


Use Thermals to Your Advantage!

Did you know that most of the bucks featured at the top of this page on my wall were shot hunting hills and thermals? It's true!

Yet many of the most experienced hunters I know even have trouble with thermals.

Let's face it, 50% of all whitetail hunters hunt in enough hills to experience thermals and to really learn why you would you hunt in one location in the morning or another location in the evening—or vice versa.

There are a lot of tricks and tactics that you can take advantage of and throughout this Web Class, I'll teach you how to "cheat" the wind and how you should use the wind to your advantage.

I'm hoping that the experience that I have with hills and thermals—going back to the early '90s—will guide you to success!

Hills and Thermals Screen Cap

Learn from an innovator in whitetail hunting since 1995

Featuring 16 online video lessons in over 8 hours of video grouped into 3 modules, you’ll learn:

  • Saddle, Bench, Draw and other topographic terms and what they mean during the hunt
  • Morning and Evening Thermal Trends
  • How to "cheat" the wind and "forecast" it
  • How food affects where bucks bed in hill country
  • Determine the right location during the right time of day and how elevation plays a huge role
  • Why your stand location and elevation affects your scent
  • How deer move through hills
  • Using ditches and draws to your advantage
  • How to hunt in an actual valley (very tough!)
  • The quiet "Lee Side" Hunting Advantage

... and much, much more!

Jeff With Buck

Your Instructor

Jeff Sturgis takes decades of pursuing his passion, and then professionally transfers those pursuits into the enhancement of his client’s, reader's and viewer's hunting and habitat experiences, across the entire country. Jeff prides himself in creating the healthiest free-ranging deer herds in the world of whitetails, as well as taking on the challenge of hunting the oldest bucks in the neighborhood. Not only has he been able to create, own and operate a successful business in the whitetail industry since 2005, but he has been able to work along side his wife Diane while doing so.

Jeff received the QDMA's Deer Manager of the Year award in 2004, and hasn't stopped learning since. After studying and creating over 1000 whitetail videos and articles, as well as working on over 1000 client lands across 26 whitetail states, Jeff is in a league of his own when it comes to the ability to design your habitat, herd and hunt - anywhere a whitetail roams!

One thing I can say, my learning over four decades is very consistent with Jeff’s videos, just wish I had access to them in 1980.

Unsurpassed Knowledge! If you're a serious whitetail hunter, take it to the next level with Jeff's in depth knowledge that can only be learned years experience.
—Brennen N

I watched the whole class in just a couple days, very good stuff! I especially liked the first video because it goes through his thought process.

It’s been a great experience.
—Joel- IN

Extreme whitetail knowledge. Wow! What knowledge this man has about whitetail deer. This would make a great gift to any hunter. Jeff thank you for sharing.

Thanks again from Maine!
—Tom Y - Maine

I didn't think it was possible for you to improve in my book, then you go and mention MUSKY fishing! You are truly amazing. Thanks for all the info you provide.

Great video as always. Your content Definitely helps out a bunch. My 4 yr old daughter can’t wait to help set up another Mock vine scrape!

This is a great channel. Each video is so informative.

I have learned so much from you! I never had no one to show me how to hunt, I learned as I went and also by watching your videos! Thank you!

Course Curriculum

Section 1: The Advanced Basics of Hills, Thermals and Whitetails
Elevation Advantage Rules (24:43)
Food Positioned Bedding (07:56)
Common Topo Terms (11:16)
Hill Country Scent Control (08:37)
Section 2: Critical Hills and Thermal Hunting Strategies
Where Do Bucks Bed In Hill Country? (27:25)
Forecasting the Wind (13:15)
Using "Clean Air" Above The Soil (09:02)
Lee Side Hunting Advantage (18:01)
How to Cheat the Wind (11:53)
Section 3: Exactly Where To Hunt In Hills and Thermals
Mid & Lower Point Hunting (15:06)
Evening Thermal Trends (26:42)
Morning Thermal Trends (26:48)
How To Hunt In A Valley (17:04)
Hunting the Top of a Draw (16:29)
Risk and Reward of Ditches and Draws (09:02)
"Plan B" Thermal Attack (21:06)


PLUS: Exclusive bonuses...

Exclusive WHS Hat

Most deer hunters love hats, and we know you will enjoy this exclusive, high quality hat made exclusively for this web class! Hopefully you will want to collect them all!
$30 Value


Make sure to follow along with your web class workbook that will be personally signed by Jeff and mailed to your shortly after your purchase. For this second class, there is room for notes on each page, as well as pages to begin designing your program towards the end of the book.
a $30 Value


... worth over $120!

Free eBook Collection

Along with the “How To Design Your Deer Hunting Parcel” web class, enjoy our first 3 eBooks as further foundations of content to assist you in more accurately designing your hunt, habitat and herd.
—$60 Value

Future Discounts For Upcoming Web Classes

After you purchase this web class, we're giving you a 20% Off savings code for a substantial savings on any other web class series that is in our library in the future. (This offer extends to retail price only, and your savings code can be used at any time after the initial 30 day introductory price for each web series.)

Membership In WHS Private Facebook Group

This is a private, “Members Only” Facebook page that is only available by invitation to web class purchasers and site visit clients. Are you tired of wading through the plethora of poor online advice? Then you can take advantage of high-quality discussions with passionate hunters and habitat managers who share a common goal of getting it done right the first time.

Learn from my decades of experience hunting in hill country

From the first time I hunted 700 foot elevations in Pennsylvania back in the early '80s and then moving to Wisconsin and Minnesota in 2002 and beyond, I took those decades of experience and have narrowed all that knowledge down to the best content you'll find in this web class.

I talk to hunters all the time about hills/thermals. And I even have clients where I'll come to their property—clients who've paid pay me a lot of money for me come check it out—and even though they've hunted hills for decades, they're really not experienced when it comes to making good decisions throughout the hunt guided by hills and thermals.

These concepts work, and have been originated by me personally and have been proven over decades of work by tens of thousands of viewers, readers and clients. While these are the concepts that flood my books and over 1000 articles and videos that can be found on my website and YouTube channel, this is the most comprehensive set of content that can be used to effectively hunt hills – within the steps that you should work to complete them in.

My WHS Web Classes are the next best thing to having me come teach you about thermals on your land in person, and I am excited to open the availability of these classes to a far greater number of folks than the number I personally work with per year – at a much more affordable price!

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?

The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.

How long do I have access to the course?

After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.

What do I need to access the course?

If you have an Internet connection and a modern web browser, you'll be able to view the content.

Can I download the course for offline use?

Not at this time but please let us know if this is something you need. We might be able to make accommodations due to your circumstances (eg spotty/slow Internet, plane trip, etc.).

Is the course available on other formats (eg DVD, audio only).

Not at this time. However, please let us know if this is something you would find useful.

Are there closed-captions / transcript available?

Not yet, but please let us know so we can make accommodations.

What if I am unhappy with the course? Is there any refunds?

If you are unsatisfied, please let us know so we can address your concern.

I purchased the class—how do I login?

After you purchase the class, you will be prompted to create a password to this website and setup your account. If you forgot your password please try resetting it.

What Others Are Saying

Jeff, Thank you for all your information you provide!!! I started watching your videos last September and have gone 360 degrees on my food plots… going with the buckwheat thru summer to help my soil ( been set aside ground for 20yrs) then bassicas and greens for fall. The mock scrapes/vines are great. Thank you for everything you have taught me!!
Not a rookie whitetail hunter but always willing to learn… lol

Thanks again
Marc S

Mark S

Hey Jeff, I watch your you tube videos regularly and have since a couple months before October 1st when in Illinois now season starts. I build a food plot, hinge cut trees, moved stands etc. all while listening to your videos. I wanted to let you know Nov. 12th mid day, I had 16 deer come through. All in a two hour time pan. I got in the stand at 12:41 pm. When I texted my wife I was up safe. I texted my son at 1:05 that I shot a Buck, and by 1:15 I filled my doe tag as well. Was a nice 8 point that I called long horn. Because one brow tine was longer than the other. So was a success. So wanted to say your videos do help, and I listened completely to what you were teaching. Thank you very much.

Here are the pictures of some of the mock scrapes from Jeff’s video and the two I got Saturday. Mid day. 15 minutes apart. I got in the stand at 12:40. By 1:05 I shit the Buck. And by 1:20 I shot the doe. Was a great day.

Dustin K - Illinois

I would like to thank you very much for the best food plot seed on the market. We had a very successful hunt this morning on our food plot with access behind your screening blend.

Owen, Ohio

Hi Jeff,
Just a quick thank you for using your passion for hunting and teaching to help hunters like myself. I have been hunting Whitetail for seven years, but by taking the time to learn and be strategic, I have become ten times the hunter I was last year! Much of that is thanks to you. I was able to fill three tags this year; one being my first harvest with a bow and one being my first buck. It feels great!
I wish you the best and look forward to learning more from you and supporting you in the coming years.

Andrew S

This year, I’ve harvested three deer with my bow, here in Massachusetts. Pictured is my first bow buck, taken on November 11th, weighing 191 pounds before dressing. This is my second season bow hunting, after a 30-year break since my days of gun hunting in Trempealeau County.

I couldn’t have achieved this without Jeff’s instructional videos and texts. Please share my heartfelt gratitude with him.

Wyatt- MA

Hills & Thermals Whitetail Hunting Web Class

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