Habitat and Herd Improvement

micro deer hunting parcels

Big Property Potential on Micro Deer Hunting Parcels

​When it comes to deer hunting parcels, most people assume that bigger is better; but why do some micro parcels have a much greater draw and potential than properties several times their size? On many occasions, a small deer hunting parcel boasts greater deer numbers, a higher quality herd, and ultimately, a higher quality hunt.

deer bedding cover

Best Deer Bedding Cover

The best deer bedding cover for holding whitetails all year long, needs to be standing when many forms of wildlife need it the most - during the late Fall and Winter months! When the cover that you create fails when all critters need it the most -including deer- it's time to find something else.

deer habitat for big bucks

Deer Habitat For Big Bucks and Easy Doe Harvest

Creating a great whitetail parcel goes well beyond the holistic approach of multi diversity habitat creations. If your entire system of whitetail efforts are on point, you should demand and expect that outstanding deer habitat for big bucks and easy doe harvest, among other things, will be created. Results matter!

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High Attraction Whitetail Parcels, Good or Bad?

The desire to create the whitetail parcel with the highest level of attraction in the area can sometimes produce both good and bad results. The key is creating a level of habitat attraction that successfully interlaces with your access and hunting efforts.

winter whitetail habitat

Winter Whitetail Habitat Clues For Small Parcels

Do you have quality Winter whitetail habitat and if so, is that really a good thing? Building a quality deer herd and hunting parcel, hinges on your ability to maximize your efforts to meet the needs of the local deer herd during the hunting season. Does your Winter habitat parcel provide those needs?

hinge cut height

Whitetail Hinge Cuts High or Low?

Should your hinge cuts be high, low or somewhere in between? There is a method to the hinge cut height madness, for making sure that you and your local deer herd are left with a smile.

chainsaw bowhunting setups

Chainsaw Bowhunting Setups For Mature Bucks

As much as any other tool, the use of a saw for creating incredible bowhunting setups for mature bucks, is hard to beat! While no whitetail parcel is complete without a high quality food source, rarely is a parcel complete without at least, a little chainsaw work.

shed antler

What Does A Shed Antler Mean?

So much emphasis is placed on finding a giant shed, but what does a shed antler really mean for your herd and hunting management?

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5 Steps to Designing Your Whitetail Dream Parcel

Designing a successful whitetail property can seem like a daunting task. However, by breaking down the habitat improvements into these 5 steps, your whitetail dream parcel doesn’t seem so far off!

deer bedding canopy

Deer Bedding Canopy Myth

Would you like to make the most out of your hard-earned deer habitat improvement time? Then now is the time for you to learn about the deer bedding canopy myth! Creating deer bedding areas has been a hot topic for many years, however, not all bedding areas are created equal.

waterhole for deer

#1 Waterhole Rule For Deer

Where appropriate, a waterhole for deer can rule the habitat for one of the best locations to ambush a mature buck. However, when it comes to whitetail waterholes, you have to follow the 1 basica rule...

Lenemen Prop

Personal Responsibility for Whitetails – DNR Blame Game

Brace yourselves, I may ruffle some feathers, but this is an article I feel needs to be written. I think it’s time for hunters to realize their personal responsibility when it comes to managing whitetails. It has unfortunately become the norm to blame the DNR for every shortcoming of whitetail management and hunting efforts.