Habitat and Herd Improvement

deer staging

Natural Whitetail Movements

Are you hunting Natural or Unnatural whitetail movements? As I continue to scout whitetail habitats, herds and hunting strategies across the country, one huge factor jumps out as me concerning the daily travels of deer herds; natural whitetail movements are key!

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Whitetail Travel Corridor Creations

From Delaware to Nebraska and most deer habitats north, for the first 7 months of 2013 I enjoyed the incredible variety of both deer parcels and my clients that hunt on those parcels!

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Establishing Whitetail Lines of Movement

​​I often teach my clients to use longs lines of food and cover to draw deer out of high quality bedding cover, across stand locations, and into large open food sources where they feel safe.

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Are You Creating a Doe Factory?

High quality summer food sources (alfalfa,soybeans,clover) = high doe numbers, especially when combined withadjacent high quality stem count habitat fawning cover.

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Early Season Whitetail Habitat and Hunting Designs

While in the middle of a 7 day client trip in IN and MI, I have really enjoyed the IN visits! Every parcel is so drastically different, even within the same state, and these parcels were no exception.

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Deer Waterhole Improvements 101

This is the waterhole location that started it all for us...at least the importance of water when it comes to evening feeding patterns and all day rut activity!


Is The Land You Hunt, a COLD or WARM Season Whitetail Paradise?

Summer whitetail sightings really get the blood boiling for the upcoming hunting season! Giant velvet monsters together in harmony cruising the hay or bean fields, while the setting sun...

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Deer Beds to Food Sources: Small Parcels, Big Whitetail Rewards

What size do you think a tiny hunting parcel is? It wouldn’t surprise me one bit if some of you answered 500 acres.

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Deer Bedding Strategies: Stacking Does

Bucks, bucks, bucks…P&Y, B&C, 10 points, 12 points, total inches, total mass…beam length, tine length, total spread. Now seriously, how many campfire tales surround the mysterious ways of that really cool doe on the property?

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A KS Whitetail Habitat and Scouting Weekend to Remember

This weekend's trip was a great one! After a 17 hour drive I ended up in southern KS to help my client Brent design his new deer parcel that he had just purchased in the last 2 weeks.

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Whitetail Parcel Layout and Design, from a Habitat Designer's Perspective

Wow....my deer season is over, and it's "Habitat Time"!! I feel extremely fortunate to either manage deer habitat or hunt deer year round and as my friends probably remember me saying often, "I'm pretty lucky!" as it relates to being able to do what I do.

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Whitetail Habitat Dead Spots

What are whitetail habitat dead Spots? Why should you recognize them on the lands that you hunt?