Habitat and Herd Improvement

Whitetail waterhole stand location

New Whitetail Waterhole Stand Locations

By September of 2014, I had 3 new waterholes installed on my new lease property. With a new lease there was a lot of work to accomplish, but I felt on this particular chunk of rolling hills, rock outcroppings and absolutely zero water; a waterhole was vital to my success.

shift of whitetail habitat

The Shift of Whitetail Habitat is Starting

The leaves of soybeans are beginning to show the first signs of maturity and the last cutting of hay is just around the corner. The annual shift of whitetail habitat is starting to take place! What does that mean?

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New Whitetail Hunting Lease Strategies

Do you have a new parcel of land that you now own or lease? Changing hunting grounds happens all of the time.

food plot attraction

Food Plot Attraction Timing: Too early-too late-just right?

Sure, antler growing monsters, lactating does and Summer fawns all crave an outstanding spot to dine; but who's Summer forages are they pounding?

doe management

Doe Management for Big Bucks on Small Parcels

The above picture is one of the most popular pictures I have ever shared. I am not exactly sure why, but I can guess for starters- it may be because it is a picture of a huge pile of does!

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Whitetail Success By Design

It was a clear, cold start to the 3rd morning of Michigan's 2011 Firearm Season as I crossed the marsh on my way to the line of heavy spruce trees that bordered in front of the river.

natural hunting and habitat

Buck Bed to Bowstand to Food Plot Video

Creating a defined line of movement that extends for several hundred yards or more, often starts within the most remote areas of your land. And what prefers to inhabit the most remote portions of your land? A mature buck!

whitetail waterhole

5 Steps To An Easy Whitetail Waterhole

Installing a waterhole is pretty easy and can still be completed in time for the start of the season. Years ago I first used 55 gallon barrels cut in 1/2 lengthwise, and then buried them deep into the soil so that the top of the 1/2-barrel was below ground level.

parking lot venison backstrap

Parking Lot Venison Backstrap Grilling Tips

Ok Folks, so the scenario is that you are hunting out of state, staying at a motel, and you shoot a deer. Did I mention you are hungry for backstraps? Well, if you are like my buddies and I, why wait to eat?

 how i got wife to eat venison

How I Got My Wife to Eat Venison

My wife Diane, grew up in a non-hunting family. No rabbits, squirrel and certainly...no venison. Although I too grew up in a non-hunting family, it was a pretty natural transition from fish to small game to venison.

qdm on poor whitetail habitat

QDM On Poor Whitetail Habitat

Let me paint a picture for you. 120 Acres covered with pockets of mature spruce, cedar, pine, soft maple, and fir, blended in with a substantial portion of tag-alder creek bottom, and clear-cut openings from the early 80s, full of a variety of young pine.

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Natural Hunting and Habitat Designs for Whitetails

Do you want success with your hunting and habitat designs? Of course the answer to this is very obvious! After all, dozens and sometimes hundreds of hours of work is spent to construct deer beds, food plots, travel corridors, waterholes, stand locations, access trails...