Habitat and Herd Improvement

Whitetail Adventure Series Book
Scheduled for an early May release, I can not wait to introduce to you my new Whitetail Adventure Series of books! The books will target any young hunter who reads, within the ages of pre-teen to teen (8-14).

Deer Waterhole Hunting Strategies
Are waterhole hunting strategies in your plans for 2015? Here are clips 1 and 2 of location, installation and waterhole hunting strategies.

The Breaking Point TV: A Career in the Whitetail Industry
Have you started to hear about The Breaking Point TV yet? There are many of us who strive to pursue our whitetail passions full-time in the industry, but very few actually make it. Why?

Conifer Plantings for Deer Habitat
Do you ever think of good bedding cover in terms of the available food? You should, and this is especially true for conifer plantings!

The Whitetail Habitat Hook
Have you heard of the Habitat Hook? Other than protective chainsaw chaps, a helmet and eye protection this tool is a must have for any whitetail habitat work.

Whitetail Habitat Management - Top 10 Myths
Are you guilty of these myths in your whitetail habitat management efforts? In the past, I have been! What I am referring to is the current state of our society that promotes "immediate gratification"

Chainsaw Travel Corridors for Deer
Although I typically spend a lot more time designing whitetail parcels than actually cutting them, in 2013 I had the pleasure of working with a particular client from Southern MI while firing up the chainsaw on his 40 acre parcel.

The Mystery of Building Buck Beds
Are you firing up the chainsaw...is it that time of year? Will you be one of the 10s of thousands heading to your favorite deer woods to create daytime bedding hotspots for whitetails this year?

Border Wars: Whitetail Trespass Strategies
The 2-acre food plot was lush, green, full of forage and meticulously cared for with experienced and knowledgeable hands. Approximately 600 long, the 150 wide north/south planting was truly a focus of destination for the local deer herd...

New Cover Release, for "Whitetail Success By Design"
It's been over 2 years since my first book, "Whitetail Success by Design" was released, and a new cover design was long overdue. We are also in the process of our first revision of the book, which should be completed prior to Christmas.

Recognize and Hunt A Deer Staging Area
What is a deer staging area, and if you do recognize one, should you ever hunt it? A typical, natural deer entire movement (in it's most basic form) consists of a pretty specific set of conditions, flowing from heavy interior cover in the back, to a major food source in the front...

2015 Custom Whitetail Parcel Designs
I am currently scheduling clients for my 11th season of Whitetail Site Visits, for December of 2014-May of 2014. Dates are very limited and starting to fill quickly.