Habitat and Herd Improvement

Does My ATV Spook Deer?
On a large percentage of the lands I visit across the county, a very familiar question eventually surfaces: "Does my ATV spook deer?" The best answer that I can give, is that I wouldn't mind if all of my neighbor's used an ATV.

Whitetail Waterholes for Small Parcels
Not every parcel needs more water. However...if you have daytime bedding areas with dry ambush sites on the way to evening food sources, adding water can be an outstanding feature to your small parcel.

Attractive Deer Habitat: More harm than good?
Is your highly attractive deer habitat, too attractive? Although it may seem impossible, the risk of over-improving deer habitat is very real, and in my experience a growing concern.

Mature Buck Staging Area Tactics
Lots of folks write about using mature buck staging area tactics, but what really is a mature buck staging area in the first place?

Great Deer Habitat Without Quality Food Is Dead
Hinge cutting, timber harvest activities and mast producing plantings can add to a solid habitat plan, but they alone do not produce great deer habitat.

Easy Mock Scrape Recipe
Would you like to build an easy mock scrape? For about 15 years I have been creating highly effective mock scrapes by using mostly natural materials.

Summer Deer Habitat Concerns
Does your land have great Summer deer habitat? Now is surely the time to be able to recognize quality warm season habitat for deer. Do you scout during the Summer months?

Best Way To Hide Your Deer Blind
When it comes down to creating a successful hunt, there is no more of an important strategy than how you enter AND exit your blind locations. Do you hide your deer blinds?

How To Make A Mock Scrape
The coolest part about making a mock scrape is the anticipation of the quick reward when you create the habitat improvement, and then find that a buck has used it; often fairly quickly! How do you make a mock scrape?

Strategies for Creating a Deer Sanctuary
Creating a deer sanctuary should be easy, right? After all you just set aside "X" number of acres on your hunting land that you never enter, and call it a day. Sounds pretty easy doesn't it?

Recognizing Deer Movement Patterns
I would like you to take the time to reflect on the established deer movement patterns that are found on your favorite hunting grounds. Are they consistent?

Attracting A Buck Herd To Your Habitat
In 1999, attracting a buck herd to my remote, wilderness chunk of land seemed like an impossible task. The region housed less than 15 deer per square mile, was surrounded by public land and featured an annual Winter die-off of 50% of the entire fawn crop.