*When necks are blown up and bucks are hitting the scrapes during daylight, the Peak Rut is just around the corner!
Many hunters are hitting the woods this weekend, and I hope that you are in your stand to take advantage of the weather conditions that are being created for this extremely high quality mature buck rut sit alert. Why will Friday October 30th and Saturday October 31st be in the "Top 5" sit category for the 2015 season? Check it out:
1. Winds with gusts up to 40mph have swept, or are still sweeping across much of the upper Midwest. When those winds begin to die, bucks will be on the move!
-The winds do not have to completely die for bucks to move. As soon as the winds appreciably deminish, that is enough for the stress level to be reduced, and for bucks to begin feeling the urge to move. For a complete guide to hunting the wind, try reading "How to Hunt Whitetails in the Wind".
2. Heavy rain and even snow in some locations, raises the stress level on whitetails most likely as much as the wind. And just like the wind, as soon as the conditions subside, mature bucks activity levels will increase.
-As soon as the rain stops, I make sure that I am in a deer stand...even for periods of short breaks in the rain. For rain hunting tips, please read "Bow Season Bucks in the Rain".
3. Huge Temperature Drops! Last night when I completed a little stand work in the dark with steady rain, the temperature was 36 degrees! That was nearly 30 degrees cooler than at the same time just 2 days ago. Big temp drops increase feeding intensity and that means the entire deer here will be moving; which is perfect for rutting bucks!
-Deer feed 5Xs in a 24 hour period, and when feeding are missed, the weather is stressful and energy reserves are being depleted due to plumetting temperatures, you can expect deer to feed early and often. For more cold weather food induced hunting tips, make sure to check out "Whitetail Cold Front Hunting Guide".
4. Calm, cool and clearning conditions are also reflected by rising barometric pressure. When the wind, rain and temperatures are all reduced to a point at the same time...it turns into a can't miss opportunity of weather induced outstanding mature buck rut movements!

*Would you like to learn how to make an extremely effective mock scrape too? You can find out how by reading "Easy Mock Scrape Recipe".
What is the only bad thing about this mature buck rut sit alert? It is short lived. Many bowhunters are hitting the woods to take advantage of the first week of November, but nothing shuts down rutting movement like warm weather. You can make sure to read my "Warm Weather Rut Hunting Tactics" article for tips on how to hunt warm weather rut patterns, but make sure that you do not miss out on these two upcoming days! For locations further East in the Country, these days may fall right in line for your Saturday and Sunday hunts. Make sure that you do not miss out on these mature buck rut sit opportunities; really folks, this is about as good as it gets for the entire season in many areas!