Jeff's Deer Blog

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Deer Bedding Strategies: Stacking Does

Bucks, bucks, bucks…P&Y, B&C, 10 points, 12 points, total inches, total mass…beam length, tine length, total spread. Now seriously, how many campfire tales surround the mysterious ways of that really cool doe on the property?

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Scott's Upstate NY Whitetail Experience

"I hired Jeff last year to look at 120 acres of family land. The property has always been successful in the past at producing some 2.5 year olds..."

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Whitetail Deer Stand Location Strategies

If your tree stand location could speak-how much would it have to say? Be sure to check out these treestand location strategies before hanging you next stand

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The Deer Hunt of a Lifetime

I don’t mind saying that throughout and after my divorce in August of 2008 life has been interesting to put it best. I had a “good” divorce if there is such a thing after the end of a 14-year marriage with 3 kids.

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A KS Whitetail Habitat and Scouting Weekend to Remember

This weekend's trip was a great one! After a 17 hour drive I ended up in southern KS to help my client Brent design his new deer parcel that he had just purchased in the last 2 weeks.

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Doe Bedding Habitat and Hunting Strategies for Mature Buck Harvest Success

​The beauty of getting to hunt a few states, and walk dozens of whitetail parcels over several states each year is that I get to see patterns. Certain patterns of feeding, rutting, traveling, staging and bedding are repeated over and over again no matter what the state, and what the habitat type.

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High Percentage Mature Buck Sits

​Even though I’m not hitting the waters for bass anymore, the parallels to hunting mature bucks are incredible! I’m obviously not zipping from woods to woods hoping to shoot a bunch of deer, but instead I plan my hunts for the most successful times of the season, and I don’t waste my time in-between.

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Whitetail Food Plot Success on Poor Soils

The year was 1999 and I couldn't wait! After a several weeks of planning, the day finally came to take a walk with a conservation forester on our recently acquired property.

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Northern MI Small Parcel Whitetail Success

"I had my nine year old son (Davis) with me during our visit. He has been working on the land and hunting deer and turkey with us for two years.

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Pete's SE MN Habitat Design Experience

I was a year into getting acquainted with and hunting our farm and knew that 2012 was going to be the year I set my long term plans and started making all of the changes necessary to enjoy long term hunting success.

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Mature Buck Tactics for Doe Harvest Success

​Something I cringe at every time I hear it is when someone says, “Those mature does are impossible to kill”.

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Progressive Food Plots for Small Parcels

These are practices I've used for several years with lots of success. In fact, the 3 sprayings and a planting have been going strong since 1999 with ZERO crop failures....

Hands-on Hunting and Habitat Design

Creating the Optimal Whitetail Design

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Whitetail Success By Design Book Series

Revealing “Buck of a Lifetime” Strategies Since 2005

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