Jeff's Deer Blog

Bad Deer Hunting Regs Warning
These new deer hunting regs are as bad as they get!

How To Become A Deer Habitat And Hunting Consultant
So you want to become a deer habitat consultant?

Attract And Hold More Bucks On Small Parcels
Attracting and holding more bucks on your land becomes a whole lot easier when you understand how to collect dispersing yearling bucks...

8 Acre Deer Habitat And Hunting Design
While a large deer parcel design of 800 to 1000 acres or more, rarely relates to the experience level needed to create small deer parcel habitat, a quality small parcel design always relates to a large parcel...

#1 Food Plot Planting Fail
There are times where a soybean food plot planting can be Incredible...

#1 Treestand Bowhunting Tip
Does your tree saddle or treestand allow you to bowhunt without spooking deer?

Top 5 Shed Hunting Fails
If you want to find more shed antlers, make sure to avoid these top shed hunting blinders and fails...

How To Create Daylight Buck Movement Habitat
Creating deer habitat for daylight buck movements can be accomplished on nearly every deer parcel of nearly any size, if you follow these bedding, food, hunting strategy and depth of cover practices...

Create The Perfect RUT Treestand Setup NOW
The perfect big buck rut hunting stand location has to have the right habitat ingredients of food, then doe bedding and then buck bedding...

Monoculture Deer Bedding Habitat Makeover
While great deer habitat comes in all shapes, sizes and diversity one thing is for certain - great deer habitat is NOT a monoculture of any kind...

Predatory Treestand Tips For Wary Bucks
To keep from spooking mature bucks from your treestand, a big ole wary buck can not smell you, hear you or see you move...

Best Spot To Plant A Food Plot
The best spot to plant a food plot has a whole lot more to it than good soil...