Jeff's Deer Blog

food plots

Food Plots: Critical Evening Deer Feeding Pattern

Have you ever asked yourself when the deer should actually feed the most on your food plots? Deer feeding patterns happen each and every day, in varying degrees.

hunt whitetails in wind

How To Hunt Whitetails In The Wind

How much do you think wind effects deer movements? Should you even bother hunting whitetails in the wind? Are your odds for running into a mature monster better or worse, in the wind?

cure target panic

How To Cure Target Panic

During the early 90s I desperately needed to learn exactly how to cure target panic! Following misses on Pope and Young Class whitetails in both 1992 and 1993...

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How Many Acres Of Food Plot Should I Plant?

The answer to that question varies greatly from region to region, and there is absolutely no set % that will work for more than just a fraction of all whitetail parcels.

Habitat Improvements

Last Minute Bowhunting Habitat Improvements

Do you feel that you have missed the opportunity to improve your habitat and hunt for this season? In my experience, you may be just in time for water, fencing funnels or mock scrapes.

timing bow season opener

Timing the Bow Season Opener

The bow season opener should be a magical time of the year, but what day should you choose to enter a stand for the first time each year?

food plot tips

Critical Food Plot Tips For Hunting Health

What could possibly be the greatest food plot tip of all, as it relates to the potential of your hunting land? That daytime food plot use is critical to your hunting and herd success!

summer deer habitat

Summer Deer Habitat Concerns

Does your land have great Summer deer habitat? Now is surely the time to be able to recognize quality warm season habitat for deer. Do you scout during the Summer months?

food plot mix

2015 Best Food Plot Mix

Do you have a best food plot mix, or combination of food plot mixes? Personally, my favorite mixes are always evolving.

rut hunting hotspots

Mid Day Rut Hunting Hotspots

It's November 6th and it's time for a long sit in your favorite bowstand; where do you go? Do you have a go-to mid day rut hunting hotspot?

low impact deer recovery

Low Impact Deer Recovery Tips For Small Parcels

Let's face it, retrieving your next deer harvest can potentially be a whole lot of work! However if you wear the hair off the hide with a lengthy drag or not, your next deer recovery will always be an incredibly hallowed Fall experience that only a hunter can fully appreciate.

deer patterns

When Will Deer Patterns Return?

The white flag waves and with a loud snort he is on the run! As his enormous antlers plummet behind the hardwood ridge as quickly as they appeared, the rollercoaster of discovery to excitement to loss...

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Creating the Optimal Whitetail Design

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