Jeff's Deer Blog

treestand comfort

All Day Treestand Comfort

During the late 80s I began hanging treestands. I won't go through the incredible number of treestand manufactures that I have navigated through during the past decades...

precision kill plot

Precision Kill Plot Creation

Have you created any kill plots this year? I have been excited to design my own new lease property in SW WI this year.

deer feeding time

Deer Feeding Times For Monster Bucks

When it comes to the 24 hour clock of deer behavior, deer feeding times create and define deer movement, and bedding cover defines daytime reclusiveness.

mature buck staging tactics

Mature Buck Staging Area Tactics

Lots of folks write about using mature buck staging area tactics, but what really is a mature buck staging area in the first place?


Great Deer Habitat Without Quality Food Is Dead

Hinge cutting, timber harvest activities and mast producing plantings can add to a solid habitat plan, but they alone do not produce great deer habitat.

trail cams on scrapes

Trail Cams on Scrapes - Bad Idea?

Have you attracted a mature buck on your land that is tearing up the woods with giant rubs and scrapes?

easy mock scrapes

Easy Mock Scrape Recipe

Would you like to build an easy mock scrape? For about 15 years I have been creating highly effective mock scrapes by using mostly natural materials.

deer rut priorities

5 November Deer Rut Priorities For Small Parcels

In the world of whitetail hunting, where would we be without the November deer rut? Of course the annual rut plays a large part in the demise of the majority of mature bucks harvested each season,

fall food plot

Fall Food Plot Rotation Strategy

Are you looking for a great food plot rotation that can not only offer a high quality food source for Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer, but to work as an outstanding soil builder as well?

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Hunting Pressure Secrets For Mature Bucks

There are several hunting pressure secrets that I have found that you can use to beat the odds for consistently connecting on the top bucks in your neighborhood, even on the smallest parcels.

early bow season

10 Tips For Early Bow Season Success

Thousands of Summer giants fall to successful early bow season hunters every single year; will you be one of them?

food plot blend

Late Summer Food Plot Blend For Monsters

Whether your goal is to hold onto a mature monster that you have on your land right now, or to attract him once the big boys start to shift to their Fall habitat in a month or two...

Hands-on Hunting and Habitat Design

Creating the Optimal Whitetail Design

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Whitetail Success By Design Book Series

Revealing “Buck of a Lifetime” Strategies Since 2005

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