Jeff's Deer Blog

Target Buck Encounter

5 Tips For Your Next Target Buck Encounter

A target buck encounter is often what dreams are made of. If you are able to narrow your hunting focus to the harvest of specific buck on a consistent basis, you need to apply a very personal plan of attack.

buck rub clues

5 Clues From a Giant Buck Rub

They are an awesome site and depending on where you hunt, they could be very rare. Each and every one spins a tale, but at the same time not every giant buck rub reveals the same story.

deer bed locations

Create A Deer Bed In These Top Locations

Do you want to create a deer bed that will actually attract and hold deer during the daylight hours? Then it is very important that you pay the least amount of attention to creating the perfect deer bed

deer screening cover

3 Varieties of Deer Screening Cover

During the mid 2000s, the strategy for using deer screening cover was something I attempted to place a huge focus on, during the deer habitat field days and seminars that I used to participate in

Snow Buck

Increasing Mature Buck Numbers During The Season

Would you like to increase the mature buck numbers on your small hunting parcel, during the hunting season? If so, some amazing opportunities await, when you learn to correctly apply a few habitat and hunting strategies that will actually make a difference.

deer hunting pressure

Important Deer Hunting Pressure Control Tactic

One of the most effective methods for creating incredible herd and hunting results, is by controlling the timing of the deer hunting pressure on your land. When should your hunting pressure be controlled the most during the deer season?

trail cam scouting

Scouting By Trail Cam For Single Buck Pics

Is scouting by trail cam the best way to scout for a mature buck? In my experience, it sure is! There are primarily 3 ways to scout, but nothing compares to a trail cam, and it isn't even close.

cover for whitetails

Most Important Cover For Whitetails

What is the most important cover for whitetails? Side Cover. Without any form of side cover, you completely lack one of the most necessary and sacred components of cover for whitetails, in the form of true Bedding Cover.

food plot direction

Which Direction Do Your Food Plots Point?

Which Direction Do Your Food Plots Point? Food plots are much more than simply just a place to attract, hold and feed deer. The greatest influence that you can use your food plots for...

Winter whitetail scouting

Winter Whitetail Scouting Rules

Winter whitetail scouting efforts can reveal a pile of sign, but that sign can also be very misleading, in terms of your next hunting season. Are you finding a few sheds, several old scrapes and a few dozen rubs?

buck bed

Where Does a Buck Bed? Top 10 Spots

One of the most common questions that I hear, is "where does a buck bed?". That question is one of the most important questions that you can ask yourself as it relates to your own hunting land..

all season deer hunting

Creating All Season Deer Hunting

Do you have an all season deer hunting parcel? Do you have a parcel that allows you to hunt the target buck you are after, for the majority of the season?

Hands-on Hunting and Habitat Design

Creating the Optimal Whitetail Design

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