Jeff's Deer Blog

First Lite Whitetail Announcement
I am very honored to announce that I have formed a new partnership with First Lite hunting clothing. I will represent the innovative whitetail line and I can't wait! Why did I switch?

How To Fit A Lot Of Bucks On Small Parcels | Bad Buck Science
Small parcel deer management efforts can be destroyed if you attempt to apply bad buck science...

Why You Shouldn't Deer Hunt On Food Plots
Should you ever hunt deer on a food plot? Of course! Should you always hunt deer on a food plot? Absolutely not!

6 Off Season Mock Scrape Tips
Hands down, these are the most used and proven mock scrape tips that you can find online. If you are creating a mock scrape during this off season, let these tips be your guide to making sure that you do it right...

#1 Ingredient For Deer Habitat Management
Without this deer habitat management applied to your deer hunting land, your will not even come close to your level of potential success...

How To Catch A Trespasser
There are several ways to catch a hunting land trespasser and even if you don't actually catch them, there are ways that you can make sure that they know to never come back...

7 Critical Whitetail Waterhole Strategies
Whitetail waterholes can be buck magnets, especially during the rut!

#1 Big Buck Bedding Strategy For Small Parcels
This could be, the #1 buck bedding strategy for small parcels...

5 Bad Food Plot Seeds
There are plenty of food plot seeds that you should rarely be planting on your land because they carry much more hype than hope...

Best Bowhunting Release
The best bowhunting release to use for hunting whitetails, may surpise you! Shooting a deer in the woods vs a target in an open field are two completely different archery practices...

How To Create A Deer Travel Corridor
Creating a great deer travel corridor for big bucks takes much more than a chainsaw and a few deer hunting buddies...

Most Neglected Food Plot Timing
When you plant food plots should match the timing of exactly when the deer need to feed the most...