Jeff's Deer Blog

Wbd Tv 6 Full

Low Impact Stand Rotation - Whitetails By Design TV - Ep 06

As the season gets into full swing across the midwest, it can be very tempting to climb into your favorite stand night after night in hopes of tagging one of your hit listers, while lacking a quality stand rotation strategy. While many believe in the "You can't kill 'em from the couch" stigma, it is important to remember...

hunting bucks in the woods

3 Major Advantages To Hunting Bucks In The Woods

If your goal is to consistently experience opportunities with mature bucks, making sure to spend the majority of your time while hunting in the woods may be your safest bet. There are 3 major reasons to find the deer trails less traveled when choosing where to hunt this Fall

bow season weather

Can't Miss Early Bowseason Weather Alert

​Monday the 26th and Tuesday the 27th are going to be a couple of outstanding days to spend a sit or two in your favorite early bowseason treestands! Across the upper Midwest unstable weather has recently been responsible for widespread flooding, as well as both extreme windy and rainy conditions.

mature buck numbers

Are You Losing Mature Buck Numbers Where You Hunt?

During the course of the hunting season the majority of deer parcels head in two different directions: Some lose mature buck numbers while others gain. Which variety of deer parcel would you rather have?

Wbd Ep 5 Full

Hunting a Deer Waterhole - Whitetails By Design TV Ep - 05

​The design has come full circle. The Summer hours spent sweaty and bug bitten have not been in vain. The combination of stands set on this ridge focus on several habitat improvements intended to create predictable deer movement patterns.


Top 5 Ways To Pattern A Buck

​My earliest buck patterning days were full of hope during lazy late Summer evenings. The go-to way to pattern a buck included the necessities of chips, pop, candybars, cheap binos and a folding lawn chair.

early season archery

ND and GA Early Season Archery Success

Things started off really early in the archery season for two hunters that put a lot of time and effort into their hunt. Brooks Pigg and Brennen Nading are a couple of prime examples of how much "luck" can be found, after a huge amount of hard work and dedication is completed.

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When to Check a Trail Cam - Whitetails By Design TV Ep - 04

Unfortunately, the best scouting tool you may have in your arsenal, can quickly become a double edged sword. Believe it or not, when and how you access your trail cameras can directly affect the number of mature bucks on your property.

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How To Accurately Shoot A Bow

Consistent and accurate archery shooting begins with unwavering form. Turning these 5 shooting tips into habits that repeat themselves without thought every time you draw your bow will ensure that your arrows form tight groups on target each time you head to the range.

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Sunday Success Story Series

It's your story, we want to hear it! Your hunt could be featured in a WHS Sunday Success Story Blog. It's as simple as writing a brief description of your hunt and sending a harvest photo to!

Wbd Ep3

Rut Stand Locations - Whitetails By Design TV Ep - 03

I make no secret that one of my most successful times to shoot a mature buck has been during a morning rut hunt. A stand that hasn't been hunted for 4-5 weeks or more, is located adjacent to a mature buck's daytime hangout, and that also ​includes the critical ingredient of a toe-numbing morning during the rut, can't be missed!

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Hunting a Food Plot - Whitetails By Design TV Ep - 02

Your food plots should fall into two categories: One you hunt and one that you don't. Far too often food plots are all hunting all the time, and there is a major risk...

Hands-on Hunting and Habitat Design

Creating the Optimal Whitetail Design

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Revealing “Buck of a Lifetime” Strategies Since 2005

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