Mature Buck Strategies

Mature Buck Book is Here!

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A few hundred of you have already ordered my next book, "Mature Buck Success by Design",and we have greatly appreciated your patience. We are happy to announce that the first books will be shipped on Tuesday, and as long as the USPS cooperates, the books will be to you well before Christmas.

This is a true mature buck book, which focuses on scouting, preparing, forecasting and hunting for mature bucks. Mature Buck Success by Design applies to both public and private lands, and covers the entire year of mature buck hunting activities.

As a mature buck book, this book will complete the trilogy of habitat design for mature bucks, food plotting for mature bucks...and now hunting for mature bucks. If you haven't done so already, make sure to check out each book in the Whitetail Success by Design Series of books.

Also, Thank You! Many of you have ordered and have been waiting, and both your support and patience has been really appreciated. Let us know if there have been any inconveniences caused by the later-than-expected shipping date, and we will do our best to accommodate.

Mature Buck Success by Design is shipping, and I can't wait for you to read it!


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