Small Parcel Whitetail Timing
Unless you own 800-1000 acres or more, it is impossible to take a care of a deer herd for the entire year. In fact, even with those parcels sizes it difficult to grow habitat for deer for the Summer AND Fall. It is time to understand that by focusing on deer during the leanest times of the year your herd and your hunt, will be better off for it. With a small parcel you can focus on part time deer herds with a laser-like determination of definitive success. Small deer hunting parcels can offer enough habitat to allow landowners to be the true herd influencers in the neighborhood, if you ignore the advice that you should attempt to take care of deer 365 days out of the year. Are you ready to do what's best for the local deer herd? Then it is time for you to focus on creating powerful part time deer herds...